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The 24-hour computerized monitor system, automatic fire alarm and fire protection system will give you maximum security.

The 23-year-old spent last season with Atletico Madrid on loan from River Plate and impressed greatly. 这名23岁的中后卫从河床租借到马德里竞技一个赛季后,给人留下了深刻的印象。
The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. 第23个日子的第12个太阴月叫做初步的前夕。
The 23rd session: Hold in USA Los Angeles on August 12 on July 28 , 1984. 第二十三届:1984年7月28日—8月12日在美国洛杉矶举行。
The 24 year-old passed a medical examination and agreed personal terms at Stamford Bridge over the weekend and watched the 3-0 win against Manchester City. 这位二十四岁的荷兰人通过了身体检查并接受了俱乐部开出的条件。在上周末,他出现在斯坦福侨观看了三比零战胜了曼城的比赛。
The 24 years operation experience of Federal Emergency Management Agency of America can provide some lessons for the system of emergency preparedness. 美国国家应急管理机构经过24年的实践,积累了比较成熟的经验。
The 24-hour computerized monitor system, automatic fire alarm and fire protection system will give you maximum security. 二十四小时安全监控系统,自动防灾预警设备让您安全无虞。
The 24-hour excretion of potassium, magnesium and phosphate, corrected for body size, together with urinary potassium concentration decreased progressively with age. 24小时尿钾、磷、镁的排泄量及尿钾浓度是随年龄而减少。
The 24-hour nature of the foreign exchange market is a substantial attraction to many of its participants. 外汇市场的全天候特点,对他的参与者而言,拥有巨大的吸引力。
The 24-year-old French international could be the starting point for the new Juventus and was specifically requested by Coach Didier Deschamps, who worked with the player in the principality. 这位24岁的法国国家队队员,将会是重建新尤文图斯的出发点。同时,他也是主教练迪迪埃?德尚指定的球员,他们俩曾一起在摩纳哥公国工作。
The 24-year-old Ghanaian added to a memorable and varied second season at the club by collecting both of the honours voted on by supporters. 通过球迷票选,这位24岁的加纳人获得两项最佳,使他效力切尔西的第二个赛季更加令人难忘。
The 24-year-old entertainer was scheduled to undergo a Cesarean section at Cedars this Saturday, but took an unscheduled trip there after experiencing discomfort Monday evening. 24岁的“小甜甜”原本计划于本周六在该医院接受剖腹产手术。但是在周一晚上出现不适后临时赶往医院。

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