Furthermore, if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them. |
中文意思: 即使雄性与变性个体交配了,射出的精子数量也比较少。 |
Furthermore, he informs Elizabeth, Wickham had been carrying on an intrigue with Darcy's sister Georgiana.
而且,他还告诉伊丽莎白,韦翰过去一直同他妹妹乔治亚娜有私通关系。 |
Furthermore, he is armed with pamphlets, maps, and weighty guidebooks.
还有他配备著许多小册子、地图和重重的导游书。 |
Furthermore, higher education is a big investment and so most students want to get all they can out of it.
此外,高等教育是一项重大的投资,所以大多数的学生都会竭尽所能,想从中得到一切。 |
Furthermore, higher education is big investment and so most students want to get all they can out of it.
此外,高等教育是一项重大的投资,所以大多数的学生都会竭尽所能,想从中得到一切。 |
Furthermore, if anyone finds out about your action, it will be detrimental for both of us!
再说,你这样做,万一给人知道了,对你我都不好!」 |
Furthermore, if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them.
即使雄性与变性个体交配了,射出的精子数量也比较少。 |
Furthermore, if something is true, it must be true for a reason.
更进一步来说就是,如果某事物为真,此真必有因。 |
Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?
传4:11再者、二人同睡、就都暖和.一人独睡、怎能暖和呢。 |
Furthermore, if we educate our children via home information systems, they might never be ex posed to either peer pressure or social interaction.
而且,如果孩子通过家里的信息系统学习上课,他们就会得不到和其他孩子接触的机会,以及和社会接触的机会。 |
Furthermore, in order to settle down these restrained elements, the author has thought out following policies: Carrying out an innovative system; setting up and improving legal regulations to protect peasants' interests; quickening the procedures of build
消解其思路对策为:实施制度创新,消除体制性屏障;建立健全保护“三农”的法律法规;加快城镇化建设进程;推进农业产业化经营等。 |
Furthermore, in your bedchamber do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich man, for a bird of the heavens will carry the sound and the winged creature will make the matter known.
传10:20你不可咒诅君王、也不可心怀此念.在你卧房也不可咒诅富户.因为空中的鸟、必传扬这声音.有翅膀的、也必述说这事。 |