Her meager income just offsets family outgoings, she remains hand-to-mouth.
她的微薄薪金仅够抵消家庭开支,故此她只能现挣现吃。 |
Her medicine is ill tasting.
她的药物有怪异的味道。 |
Her memory retains everything she reads.
她过目不忘。 |
Her mental anguish was beyond words.
她内心的痛苦难以用言语形容。 |
Her mind grew clear and crafty. Somehow a way must be found to survive after all, if only to proceed thereafter, always unsafe and unready, toward the earning of a better death.
她的心智清,脑骄薏就活动了。再怎么也得想个方法活命呀,就算以前不再那么胸有成竹自以为有万全的准备,就算以后好歹也有一死。 |
Her mind is often in the clouds.
她的精神总是心不在焉。 |
Her mind is tiffany-twisted, she got the mercedes bends.
她的心爲珠宝所扭曲,她拥有豪华宾士车。 |
Her mind reeled when she learned her son had been abducted.
得知儿子被人拐走,她只觉得一阵眩晕。 |
Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us.
她好像精神恍惚, 没认出我们来. |
Her mind was helpless before such a complex problem.
面对如此复杂的问题,她的脑袋无能为力。 |
Her mind was not entirety on her work.
她的心思没有完全放在工作上。 |