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In addition a chatacteristics that shows this machine is in the winding process to fork head make the top and bottom sport and or so swings,the mouth of wire can ambulation in winding fork head..making wire of make to wrap the tidy beauty.

In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. 此外,据报告美国船只在旧金山和火奴鲁鲁的公海上亦遭到鱼雷袭击。
In addition Lara has neither audio helmet, neither PDA, neither grenades, nor binoculars. 另外,劳拉没有耳机,没有掌上电脑,没有手雷,也没有望远镜。
In addition Putzmeister works together with many material suppliers to demonstrate machines, materials, etc. to potential customers. 眼见为实,这是这个新工艺特别的价值。因此,我们的服务人员总是尽可能让更多的用户了解干混砂浆及机械的优势。
In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea. 而且拉莫斯还得应付切尔西对丹尼尔.埃尔维斯的觊觎。
In addition a Code Violation for Unsportsmanlike Conduct can be given if the Referee (or assistant) is sure that the player is blatantly calling incorrectly. 另外,仲裁人员可以对球员的防碍比赛行为作出没有运动员风格的判罚--如果仲裁人(或者助理)确信球员在有意的进行对自己有利的判罚时。
In addition a chatacteristics that shows this machine is in the winding process to fork head make the top and bottom sport and or so swings,the mouth of wire can ambulation in winding fork head..making wire of make to wrap the tidy beauty. 此外,本机有一显著的功能特点,绕线时线咀能够在绕线叉头内移动,绕线时绕线叉头作上下运动和左右旋转摆动,线咀按参数设定的轨迹进行排线工作,使绕制出来的线包紧凑、整齐、美观。
In addition a players' astrological sign can play a role in their stats. 同时,玩家星相也会在属性中起作用。
In addition both grass roots industrialization (TVEs) and officially planned economic and industrial development zones act as pull factors for investments and migrants towards suburban and rural areas. 同样,基础工业化和政府计划经济还有工业开发区对投资和人口向郊区和农村迁移起着推动作用。
In addition don't use a bell. 另外,不要打回合计时。
In addition he doesn't recognize the validity of her feelings Men generally don't realize how extremely and quickly they may shift from being warm and feeling to being unresponsive and distant. 另外,他不知道她真正的感受,男人通常不知道他们自己从热情到冷漠、没反应的转变有多快、多极端。
In addition it assumes grace of air, blessing of kings, 30 stam food, elixir of major defense and elixir of major agility (but NOT a flask of foritfication since these don't stack with elixirs on PTR). 另外还有风优图腾、王者祝福、30耐的食物、极效防御之力药剂、极效敏捷药剂(但是没有防御精炼药水,因为无法跟其他药剂叠加效果)。

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