Our HK Professional Team Work with over 20 yrs experience in Cosmetics.Skin-Care and Healthy Food manage and take care the whole process of Your Brand products production which help you to manage your investment easily and safely at all.
全程由香港二十多年经验的专业人员团队管理,为你提供随时的运作/管理/技术/培训的意见,帮助你减小投资的风险和协助排解运作上的障碍,让新入行的你,倍感安心。 |
Our HR Solutions? are process-oriented and team-focused.
以过程为导向,以团队为核心,是我们人力资源方案的基石。 |
Our Hangzhou Delegation has also won Sports Moral Awards in track and field contests and basketball games.
我市代表队还获得田径、篮球两个赛区的体育道德风尚奖。 |
Our Heavenly Father is always present with us.
我们的天父也是一直与我们同在。 |
Our Heavenly Father knows our every need.
我们的天父知道我们一切的需要。 |
Our Japanese customer went out of business, but we were able to carry on relatively unharmed.
我们的日本客户倒闭了,但我们还是能继续经营,没有受到很大的伤害。 |
Our Jin.·Yangguang Bicycle and electric bike have won the favor of consumers from both domestic and foreign areas by right of its superior performance, modern appearance, super quality and comprehensive service, our product are moving off in more than 20
本企业生产的津·阳光牌自行车、电动车以其优越的性能、时尚的外观、精湛的品质、温馨的服务,赢得了国内外用户的厚爱,产品畅销国内二十余个省、市、自治区,并出口欧洲、亚洲等国家和地区。 |
Our Jupiter (Hubble image) is capable of hurling asteroids out of the solar system or into the sun and other planets by the sheer force of its gravity.
我们的木星(哈勃照片)是有能力借助它强大的引力作用往太阳系外或太阳及其它行星上抛掷星体残骸的. |
Our LEAPmates are busy-come-busy-go , so they may have taken a snap shot on you.
我们的小记者来去匆匆,在探访时间可能拍下阁下的优美姿态。 |
Our Lady of the Angels School fire in Chicago, Illinois kills 92 children and three nuns.
1958年,美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥的天使之后学校起火,92个孩子和3个修女遇难。 |
Our Location: We are located in Zhuhai's golden triangle region, close to Hong Kong and Macau. The convenience of this superior position saves both time and money for our clients.
位置:处于以珠海为中心的珠三角地带,毗邻港澳,交通便利。可为珠三角地区的销售节约大量的运输及时间成本。 |