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He runs away from home one day and meets an eerie old man who claims he has a potion that can speed up the life process.

He runs a mile every morning to keep fit. 他每天早晨跑一英里步以保持身体健康。
He runs about two kilometres a day. 他每天跑大约2千米。
He runs around with bad people and he will come to no good someday. 他整天和坏人在一起,总有一天他也会变坏的。
He runs as fast as his brother. 他跑得跟他的兄弟一样快。
He runs as quickly as others. 他和其他人跑的一样快。
He runs away from home one day and meets an eerie old man who claims he has a potion that can speed up the life process. 一天在公园里,光仔遇上傻傻的流浪汉(冯小刚饰),自称提炼了一种能够快速成长的药水。
He runs fast enough to catch up with the others. 他跑得足够的快可以追上别人。
He runs faster than others. 他比别人跑得快。
He runs fastest in our class. 他在我们班跑地最快。
He runs his gaze northward down a ruler-straight concrete tunnel to a building four kilometers to the north: there is one end of the observatory. 转过90度,拉布眼光向左移动,越过了点缀著一丛丛山艾树的沙漠,直到他看见了相同的管道,以及坐落在四公里外的另一栋建筑物。
He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation. 作为一种给予特许专营权业务,他经营三明治连锁店。

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