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In experiments,an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.

In experimental plots the yield has been doubled. 在试验田里,产量已(被)提高了一倍。
In experiments on rice-groundnut rotation at Bhubaneswar, as an average of two years, increase in fertilizer levels did not effect yield of rice (Table 6.). 在布巴内斯瓦尔的稻-花生轮作试验中,二年平均来看,提高施肥水平并不影响水稻产量(表6)。
In experiments with rats, researchers found that lactating rodents were particularly susceptible to the effects of low calcium intake on the bones that support the teeth. 在大鼠动物试验中,研究人员发现分泌乳汁的老鼠更容易产生低钙摄入对牙齿周围骨骼的影响。
In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs, but an injection&nbs p;from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs. 在实验中,用取自右旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射,可改变左旋卵子的模式;用取自左旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射却不能影响到右旋卵子。
In experiments, by simulating the electrostatic field in electrostatic precipitators the magnitude of the cohesive force of dust in different applied electric field is measured, which quantitatively reflects the influence of the electric field on the cohe 在实验中,模拟电除尘器中的静电场,测出在不同外加电场下粉尘粘结力的大小,定量的反应了外加电场对粉尘粘结性能的影响。
In experiments,an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs. 在实验中,用取自右旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射,可改变左旋卵子的模式;用取自左旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射却不能影响到右旋卵子。
In explicit and unambiguous language, Washington has reiterated its opposition to Taiwan authorities' push for a proposed referendum on UN membership, calling it an unnecessary and unproductive provocation and a step intended to change the status quo . 用非常明确的语言,华盛顿已重申反对台湾当局奋力争取“入联公投”,称其是不必要和毫无结果的挑衅,并且试图改变现状迈出危险一步。
In explicit depth extrapolation method of frequency-space fields, wavefield depth extrapolation is completed with convolution of short explicit difference operators and the wavefield. 摘要在频率-空间域显式叠前深度偏移中,波场深度延拓是通过显式差分短算子与波场的空间褶积完成的。
In exploiting heavy oil, water blending is one of the most important methods to lower viscosity of heavy oil and increase its flow property for enhancing oil recovery. 摘要在稠油开采过程中,掺水法是降低稠油粘度、增加其流动性达到提高开采效率的重要措施之一。
In exploring Chinese naturalization of Marxism, Chairman Mao acquired great achievement and suffered many setbacks as well, which shows different outcomes. 摘要毛泽东探索马克思主义中国化,既取得了重大成就,也遭到了严重挫折,呈现了不同的结果。
In exploring survival,sex,competition and self-sacrifice,Human Instinct takes you on a journey of discovery into human behaviour-you'll never think of yourself in the same way again. 在探索生存、性事、竞争及自我牺牲中,《人类本能》会带你参与一次有关人类行为的发现之旅,你将会重新认识自己。

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