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The convoluted sheets would stabilize these unpaired electrons by protecting them from reacting with one another.

The convicts were pardoned and set free. 那些囚犯获赦释放.
The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit . 抽烟致癌的有力证据没能说服数百万人改掉这一恶习。
The convocation about environment will be held on next Monday. 有关环境的会议将在下周一举行。
The convocation held at four o'clock had passed a regulation. 四点举行的会议通过了一项规章制度。
The convocation of clergymen passed a resolution condemning war. 教士们的集会中,通过了一项受人谴责的战争决议。
The convoluted sheets would stabilize these unpaired electrons by protecting them from reacting with one another. 这些曲折的原子薄片可以稳定未成对的电子,避免它们彼此产生反应。
The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
The convoy entered China on 28 January. They were met by Minister of Foreign Affairs T.V. Soong. 1月28日,车队进入中国,受到外交部长宋子文的欢迎。
The convoy was attacked by submarines. 被护送的船队受到了潜水艇的攻击.
The convulsions subsided and Hollopeter climbed to his feet─but he then staggered and fell off the platform. 当抽搐慢慢消退,何洛彼德蹒跚地爬起来,却又无法站稳,摇晃之中跌下月台。
The cook bakes bread and cake in the oven. 厨子在炉中烘焙面包和蛋糕。

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