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Eun Joo-Angel be with us!

Eugene is more of the intellectual type. 尤金比较像是知识分子型的。
Eugene: OK. I think it's over there. 尤金:好的,我想在那边。
Eugenics Wars begin when a group of genetically bred supeenseize control of one-quarter of Earth, plunging the planet into a terrible conflict. 种族净化的战争开始爆发,一群由遗传基因工程培养的「超人类」 夺取了地球四分之一的控制权,使整个星球陷入了激烈战斗的情况。
Eugenol may affect curing of some composite materials. 丁香酚会影响一些复合树脂材料的固化。
Eukaryotes comprise all other organisms. 真核生物包括其它所有生物。
Eun Joo-Angel be with us! 恩珠天使永远和我们在一起!
Eunuchs, or men who lack external genitalia, are regarded as powerless in India and traditionally make a living on tips for dancing at weddings or blessing newborns. 在印度,太监被认为是无能的人,他们依靠为别人的婚礼跳舞或给新生婴儿祈福得来的施舍度日。
Eunyoung Cho, the lead author of the new report, told Reuters Health. This is not true, and our study confirmed that,said Cho, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. 研究负责人、美国哈佛大学的曹恩永(音译)博士说,有一种观点一向颇为流行,那就是只要补充维生素,即使烟民也可以避免患肺癌。
Euphemism has been widely used in all aspects of social life. Its application is attributed mainly to different social psychology, such as taboo, politeness or political purpose nut of disguise. 摘要作为修辞手段的委婉语广泛地应用于社会生活的各个层面,其产生主要归因于不同的社会心理,如忌讳、礼貌以及出于政治需要的伪装或掩饰。
Euphemism is a product of human civilization and a comparatively prevalent phenomenon, which extensively exists in the English language. 摘要英语委婉语是语言交际中的一种较为普遍的现象,也是人类文明发展的产物。
Euphermisms reflect the social culture and social psychology ,they change with the social's changing. 总之,委婉语是社会文化、心理的反映,是随着社会的变化而变化的。

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