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That is not the way the history of the world unfolded.

That is not the government's goal because it baffles the marketization of exchange rate. 这就与政府的目标不一致,它反而阻碍了汇率的市场化。
That is not the only bit of the accord under scrutiny. 这不是协议唯一遭受仔细检查的部分。
That is not the only sense in which the US is sitting pretty despite its huge external indebtedness. 这并非美国尽管面临巨额外债,却仍占尽风光的唯一原因。
That is not the path that Australia will tread. 这不是澳大利亚要走的路。
That is not the way of transformation. 那不是一种蜕变的方式。
That is not the way the history of the world unfolded. 那不是这个世界展开过的历史之路。
That is not their own idea, someone put them up to do this. 这不是他们自己的主意,有人鼓动他们这么做。
That is not to deny there is support for the Taliban (who were Pakistan's allies until General Musharraf's pro-American about-turn after September 11th); and parties with an ideology close to the Taliban's have won power in some areas. 这并不是否认在巴基斯坦内部仍然有人在支持塔利班(在911事件发生巴基斯坦转投美国前塔利班还是巴基斯坦的盟友),一些与塔利班有类似信仰的政党也在一些地区选举中获得了胜利。
That is not to say exercising in water is a bad thing. 当然也不能说游泳是件坏事。
That is not what money is for. 这样的金钱便是没有发挥其正当的功用。
That is not, of course, irrefutable proof of discrimination. 当然,这并非是存在歧视的不可辩驳的证明。

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