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I tried to do the best with balancing work and family.

I told you not to swallow!yelled the dentist. That was my last pair of pliers. 译:我叫你不要咽的!牙医大叫道:那是我的最后一把钳子.
I told you that your thoughts come on your face. 我告诉过你你的心理的想法都写在脸上了。
I told you the animals wouldn't bite,answered Mary, blinking her big eyes. 玛莉忽闪着她的大眼睛回答道:我跟你们说过动物不会咬人的.
I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. 9从前我自己以为应当多方攻击拿撒勒人耶稣的名。
I traded the horse for a cow. “我把马换了一头母牛。”
I tried to do the best with balancing work and family. 她说:“我尽可能的保持事业和家庭的平衡,孩子对于我来说是最重要的。”
I trod down the peoples in My anger And made them drunk in My wrath, And I poured out their lifeblood on the earth. 赛63:6我发怒、踹下众民、发烈怒、使他们沉醉、又将他们的血倒在地上。
I truly believe that in my lifetime the koala will become extinct unless we do something,Deborah Tabarat, executive director of the foundation, told reporters. 基金会执行理事黛博拉·塔巴拉特告诉记者说:“我确信,如果我们再不采取措施的话,在我的有生之年,树袋熊将会灭绝。”
I try to throw a lot of off-speed,Wang said. I never in a game threw that (many) sliders and changeups. 我试著投许多有速差的球”小王说”我从来没有试过在一场比赛里投出那麽多滑球和变速球。”
I turned France down already. 我已拒绝了法国。
I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed -- not even enough money to pay my rent. 这个人很明显是在找工作,他说:“我没有接受那个汉堡包店的工作。他们付的工资实在太少,还不够我付房租呢。”

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