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4 Do you want an aisle seat or a window seat ?

4 Criteria for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis: alternatives to the American college of rheumatology 20[J]. J Rheumatol, 2004, 31(5): 856866. 2查青林,林色奇,吕爱平.多元统计分析在中医证候研究中的应用探析[J].江西中医学院学报,2004,16(6):7980.
4 Cross-sectional areas of connections and their corresponding testing current for temperature rise test is shown in Table 4 (The cross-sectional areas of connections externally wired by user should not be less than those in the table). 温升试验用连接导线截面积与相应的试验电流见表4(用户外接导线或铜排的截面积应不小于表中数据)。
4 Democrats have added $4 billion to his request for __6__ programs, and Republicans are not likely to support challenging that spending at a time of war. 民主党人在退伍军人法案中要求增加40亿美元,共和党人不大可能在战争期间反对这项预算支出。
4 Democrats have added $4 billion to his request for veterans programs, and Republicans are not likely to support challenging that spending at a time of war. 民主党人在退伍军人法案中要求增加40亿美元,共和党人不大可能在战争期间反对这项预算支出。
4 Do you think your pen pal's writing is good or bad? 你认为你的笔友书写工整或凌乱?
4 Do you want an aisle seat or a window seat ? 您想要靠过道还是靠窗的座位?
4 Does not use knowledge gained from examining for academic research. 不能用评判考试所得到的知识进行学术研究。
4 Ducts shall be suitably welded or sealed for leakage. 管路有合适的焊接和密封,来保证不泄漏。
4 Elements, an international consultant, is pleased to invite all aspiring designers in China to explore their creativity. 四元素,一家国际性的顾问公司,非常高兴地邀请有抱负的中国设计们发挥他们的创造力.
4 Except for persons who are disabled, athletes will shoot from a standing position and without support, with one foot on each side of the shooting line or with both feet on the shooting line. 4除了残障人士以外,选手应采无依托之立姿,两脚分别站在发射线之两边,或两脚都站在发射线上发射。
4 Failure by Party A to provide any of the afore mentioned documents shall constitute breach of this contract. 若甲方不能提供上述文件将构成对该合同的违反。

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