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It is Greek to me.

It is Christmas shopping season. Crowds of people are pouring into the stores from morning till night, for soon it will be Christmas Day. 圣诞大采购又开始了。商店从早到晚充满拥挤的顾客,因为圣诞节即将来临。
It is Easter weekend and supposedly spring. 这是复活节周末而且本应是春天到来的时节。
It is Galileo's sprit of going direct to Nature, and verifying our opinions and theories by experiment, that has led to all the great discoveries of modern science. 正是伽利略的这种直接到大自然中去通过实验来证明我们的判断和理论的精神,才有了现代科学的所有伟大发现。
It is Germany's favorite city, insofar as surveys show a majority of Germans would prefer to live there. 它是德国一座人们喜爱的城市,调查显示,大多数德国人愿意选择在慕城定居。
It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. 天主才是生命的最高主宰。
It is Greek to me. 一无所知。
It is Harry and Hermione together who steal into Umbridge's office to check on Sirius' whereabouts (651-653). 是哈利和赫敏一起偷偷潜入乌姆里奇的办公室去了解小天狼星的下落(651-653)。
It is Hong Kong after all! 毕竟这里是香港!
It is Hong Kong's worst ever traffic accident. 这是香港有史以来最严重的交通事故。
It is I LIKE that makes the drunkard drink and the martye wear a hair shirt; that makes one man reveler and another man an anchorite; that makes one man pursue fame, another gold, another love, and another God. 就是「我喜欢」使醉汉饮酒,使烈士承受苦刑而不悔;使人放纵情欲,使人隐居养晦;使人追求名声、追求财宝、追求爱情、追求上帝。
It is I who is your dancing partner. 我就是你的幸运舞伴拉.

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