Pertaining to a particular machine activity which needs the most time, i.e., tape-limited, input-limited, etc.
用于修饰或说明某个特定的机器动作,它需要最多的时间,如磁带限制、输入限制等。 |
Pertaining to a process, or procedure, invoked by a user without the latter being aware of its existence.
用于修饰或说明一种进程或过程,它允许用户调用它,而用户并不用知道它的存在。 |
Pertaining to a program or job that interrupts regular(or lower priority) processing.
用于修饰或描述程序或作业,它中断正常的(或低优先级的)处理过程。 |
Pertaining to a quality implying a close logical relationship with, and importance to, the matter under consideration.
用来修饰或说明一种性质,意味着与所考虑的事情有密切的逻辑关系,且有重大的影响。 |
Pertaining to a signal or area which contains either encrypted classified or unclassified information.
用于修饰或说明包含加密的保密或不保密信息的信号或区域。 |
Pertaining to a statement or formula based on experience or experimental evidence.
用于修饰或说明建立在经验或实验证据基础上的论点或公式。 |
Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls forth a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying a continuous dialog between the user and
用来修饰说明某种应用软件,其中每一输入都会从系统或程序那里得到响应。如查询系统、飞机订票系统。一个交互系统也可以是会话式的,即用户和系统之间的连续对话。 |
Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option that is assumed when none is explicitly specified.
在用户不加指定时,(由系统)选定的属性、值或选择项。 |
Pertaining to an operation involving more than one digit .
用于修饰或说明涉及多位数字的运算。 |
Pertaining to an operation involving more than one digit.
用于修饰或说明涉及多位数字的运算。 |
Pertaining to computer programs or data while they remain on a particular storage device.
用于修饰或说明保留在某个特定存储设备中的那些计算机程序或数据。 |