Paccard had decided that the date for the ascent was set on 7 August.
帕卡德已经决定了攀登的日期就定在8月7日。 |
Pace Environmental Law Review---
佩斯环境法评论,佩斯大学主办,全文. |
Pace Interactive Earth Law Journal---
佩斯交互式地球法律期刊,佩斯大学主办。 |
Pace celebrates a winning hand. A real aquatic card shark!
佩斯举起双手以示庆祝获胜,他成了“水下扑克牌鲨鱼”。 |
Pace says he does support the Pentagon's don't ask, don't tellpolicy.
他表示他将继续支持美国国防部的“不问、不说”政策。 |
Pachislot took off when changes to the industry's regulations granted manufacturers more flexibility in the design of machines.
柏青嫂的出现使传统产业格局正在变化中的游戏机台制造商们获得了更多的设计机台的弹性。 |
Pachydermoperiostosis (PDP) is a rare disease that may mimic secondary hypertrophic osteoarhropathy or acromegaly.
摘要厚皮性骨膜病为一罕见疾病,临床上极似续发性肥大骨关节炎或肢端肥大症。 |
Pachytene in MEIOSIS ,the stage in mid-prophaseⅠ that is characterized by the contraction of paired homologous chromosomes.
粗线期:减数第一次分裂前中期中的一个阶段,以配对同源染色体浓缩为特征。 |
Pacific Century Cyberworks returned to the black with a better-than-expected net profit of $935 million in the first six months of the year.
电讯盈科今年首六个月业绩转亏为盈,录得九亿三千五百万元纯利,较预期理想。 |
Pacific Lutheran University was founded in 1890 not only creates new style in the higher education realm, but also is one of the oldest universities in American history.
建校于1890年的太平洋路德大学不仅在高等教育领域内独树一帜,也是该地区历史最悠久的大学之一。 |
Pacific Northwest blueberry growers must identify and control a number of different fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases as well as nematodes in order to ensure the highest yields possible (profitable yields).
太平洋西北海岸的兰莓种植者必须辨认并控制兰莓各种霉菌病、细菌病、病毒病和线虫病,以保证获得可能的最高产量(利润产量)。 |