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Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid, such as alloys

Calculation results show that the solar heating system could enhance desorption temperature, improve performance of continuous adsorption refrigeration system, attain the purpose of cascade utilization of solar energy. 计算结果表明,该太阳能集热系统可有效地提高吸附剂解吸温度及单位集热面积的制冷功率,实现太阳能的高效利用。
Calculation results show that the unit can operate with higher energy efficiency in winter in most cold regions of north China. 计算结果表明,该机组能在我国北方大部分地区冬季较低的室外环境温度下节能运行。
Calculation sample showed that this method is simple and applicable in estimating creep and shrinkage in tall building structural design. 算例表明该法简单实用且计算误差较小,可以用于超高层建筑结构设计中估算收缩徐变。
Calculations are distorted by the rush of rights issues, which is diluting earnings, thus making p/e ratios look especially giddy[6]. 股权争购会导致收益减少,计算结果就不能反映真实情况,从而造成市盈率看起来高的惊人。
Calculations are made as to the benefits that can be expected to accrue from an area of land once the conservation measures have been installed. 然而,人们对土壤保持直接带来的产量增加以及其它农场经营的进步(例如使用改良品种和肥料)带来产量增加的程度的认识不足。
Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid, such as alloys 对于合金密度的计算,以伯纳尔建立的金属模型为基础的计算,很大程度上等同于实验中测量的结果,测量是针对于贵重金属和非金属的合金,比如说,钯和硅的合金,或者由铁、磷、和碳组成的合金,尽管还存在一些小的差异。
Calculations suggest that, like an ice skater drawing in her arms, the contraction made the planet rotate faster, by perhaps three microseconds. 如同溜冰选手夹紧手臂会使旋转加速一样,这样的收缩也会使地球加速旋转,根据计算,自转一圈所需的时间可能减少了约百万分之三秒。
Calculus helps light up a scene and new math techniques turn images like this into this. 微积分帮助照亮一个场景,而新的数学技术将这样的形象变成如此这般。
Calculus, as a course in the university, serves a very important and basic function as to, while helping students to cultivate a good habit in study and developing their potentials in learning, improve and heighten the students' creative talents and overa 高等数学是为学生树立良好的学习习惯和学习动力的重要基础课程,对于培养和提高学生的创新能力与综合素质起着极为重要的作用。
Calcutta bankers advise that the company was originally established in 1947 by Mr. Charles E. Smith, to conduct a business in chemicals, cement, paper, milk-products, etc., as importers and indentors. 根据加尔各答的银行通知,该公司是由C.E.史密斯先生在1947年创立的,其主要业务为药品、水泥、纸张及乳制品等货物的进口与购买。
Caldari Cruiser >Skill at operating Caldari cruisers. 卡尔达利巡洋舰》操纵卡尔达利巡洋舰的技能。

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