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His attachment to his old home is very great.

His assistant examined the pile of papers over and over again. 他的助理把那堆文件检查了一遍又一遍。
His association with the gang brought him into disrepute. 他同这个帮派的联系使他名誉扫地。
His assumption of special powers has helped Mr Uribe, though some Colombians complain he has become heavy-handed. 尽管有些哥伦比亚人抱怨他采取的措施过于强硬,但是特别行动部队在他的领导之下大大地有助乌里韦总统一臂之力。
His astonished passenger asks how the pilot figured out which way to go. 我也知道从微软的办公室如何飞能抵达我们的机场”。
His athletic goal-line clearance against Ecuador is one of the enduring images of a low-key England campaign. 在对战厄瓜多尔的比赛中,他曾经多次上演精彩解围.
His attachment to his old home is very great. 他对他老家怀有深厚的感情。
His attack on Shenzhen's property barons says much about a mood of defiance, when it comes to housing, that is sweeping China's normally apolitical middle class. 邹涛对房地产市场的抵制表明,房地产价格的上涨已经激怒了一向不问政治的中国中产阶层。
His attack on the government was pure vitriol. 他纯粹出於恶意抨击政府.
His attack on traditional family life was so intemperate that everything they most valued seemed trampled on. 他对传统家庭生活的攻击是如此激烈,以至于他们所珍视的一切似乎都遭到了践踏。
His attacker made at him with a knife. 那人持刀袭击他.
His attacking play at times has been excellent this season (including his brilliant link up play with Robben against Wigan). 本赛季他不时的助攻表现非常出色(包括在对阵维甘时与罗本精妙的直线配合)。

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