Police say Stephen Grant confessed after initially making a public appeal for his wife to come home.
警察表示公开告知其妻子回家后,斯蒂芬?格兰特才认罪。 |
Police say a Virginia Tech student was behind the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. 23-year-old, Cho Seung-Hui was an English major and a native of South Korea.
警方称美国历史上最严重枪击案的制造者是一名弗吉尼亚理工大学的学生,23岁的赵承辉是英语专业的学生,韩国裔。 |
Police say a bomb was planted inside the mosque and detonated during Monday evening prayers.
警察称炸弹被安放于清真寺中,并在周一傍晚祈祷时被引爆。 |
Police say a vehicle hit by a truck slammed into the bike riders killing two and injuring three others.
警方说一辆卡车撞倒一辆汽车,汽车撞到骑自行车的,死3人,伤2人。 |
Police say a vehicle hit by a truck slammed into the bike riders, killing two and injuring three others.
警方说一辆货车在撞上一辆卡车后,冲向了那两位警官,两人死亡,其余还有三人受伤。 |
Police say at least 15 insurgents were killed in the ensuing gunbattle with security forces.
警察说,在随后与安全部队发生的枪战中至少有15名反叛份子被击毙。 |
Police say one of them set sail on a rather unusual looking vessel.
警方称其中一个男子正在用一辆看起来不太寻常的船只航行。 |
Police say one person was hurt – a minor leg injury – and the derailment does not appear to be related to terrorism.
警方称有一个人收了轻伤,目前并没有线索显示事故与恐怖主义有关。 |
Police say that the blast occurred at 3 p.m.
警方说这次爆炸发生在下午三点。 |
Police say the blaze broke out early Monday morning after the club had closed.
警察称火灾发生在周一清晨夜总会打烊后。 |
Police say the gunmen, dressed in Iraqi army uniforms and driving army-type vehicles, broke into the home of the Batta tribal chief on the outskirts of Baghdad early Wednesday.
警方说,身穿伊拉克军服的枪手驾驶军用型车辆,星期三早晨闯入这名巴塔部族首领在巴格达城外的家中。 |