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These oranges come from Spain.

These operations improve the look of the current public accounts but not the sustainability of fiscal policy. 这些举措改善了现有公共帐户的外在面貌,却并没有改进财政政策的可持续性。
These opponents cite breakthroughs involving medical research conducted with adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid, none of which involve the destruction of a human embryo. 反对者们还用医学研究通过使用成人体细胞、脐带血和羊水取得的突破来引证,这些突破中没有一个涉及到破坏人类胚胎。
These oppositions split off of the self just as the Prime Creator is in all things and allows all things. 这些本我对立片段正象最初的创造者在万物里而承认万物那样。
These options are used only when encoding with a fixed bitrate. 这些选项被用在固定比特率录入码流时。
These options are useful primarily for testing and debugging. 这些选项对于测试与调试是非常重要的。
These oranges come from Spain. 这些柳橙来自于西班牙。
These order government departments to be more open in giving out information. 该条例要求政府部门发布信息时更加公开。
These orders, which are printed in gold, are more powerful versions of the standard order. 这些命令指示物用金色印刷而成,它们能够提供比普通命令更强大的行动能力。
These organizations may have access to personal information as required to permit them to perform their obligations to us. 当允许他们执行义务的时候,这些组织可能有权处理个人信息。
These organizations usually have their headquarters in industrialized countries. 这些组织通常将其总部设在工业化国家。
These organizations, often referred to as the Industrial Meteorology (IM) community, together serve as critical intermediaries to make National Weather Service (NWS) information available to all and to provide specialized services outside the NWS mission. 这些组织通常是指工业气象社团,以及其使国家气象服务(NWS)对全社会提供便利和提供特殊服务的关键性的中介组织。

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