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Abstract: This paper has described the oil and water seperating principal by chemical method and the application of the technique for oilcontaining sewage treatment in steel rolling industry.And the operation and result of the system has been analysed als

Abstract: This paper gives a proof of a comparison theorem on the viscosity solution of HJB Equation. 文摘:证明了与随机控制问题有关的动态规划方程粘性解的比较定理.
Abstract: This paper gives an account of the service behavior of dam safety monitoring system of Tianshengqiao Ⅰ Hydorpower Station during construction period, impounding period and operation period, with comparing the deformation conditions of the dam be 文摘:通过大坝安全监测,天生桥一级水电站大坝安全监测系统在施工期、蓄水期及运行期的工作性态,比较水库蓄水前后大坝各项监测内容的变形情况以及大坝运行到目前的工况。
Abstract: This paper gives an in-depth analysis of the types,quantity and quality as well as exploitation and utilization status of the economic forest resources including fruit tree forest,woody grain forest,and woody edible oil forest.Based upon this,es 文摘:对我国经济(果树,木本粮食、食用油料)林1)资源的类型、数量、质量特征和开发利用现状进行了深入分析,同时,探讨了经济林开发利用中存在的主要问题,提出了如下的对策和建议:①把经济林的开发利用当作农业可持续发展的战略举措来抓;②加强科技投入,提高经济林的优质良种化程度,发展有国际竞争力的种类;③大力发展和改造以及深度开发木本食用粮食、油料林等种类,从而实现可持续发展。
Abstract: This paper gives brief introduction to the percentages that the economic losses caused by earthquake disasters in some countries in recent years account for the gross domestic products of those countries;mainly introduces the researches on some 文摘:简要介绍了近年来一些国家地震灾害造成的经济损失占这些国家国内生产总值的比例;主要介绍了几个多震地区开展地震断层探测研究的概况和以断层活动为基础的地震保险试验的内容及研究进展。
Abstract: This paper has deduced a new method for risering, Δ—Parametric method.It has proved with the test curve of the British Castin g P ractice Commission.Practical results have well perfected furt her the perimetrischen quotlent method for risering.A 文摘:提出的冒口设计新方法—Δ参数法,与英国铸造实践委员会给出的实验曲线相互印证其实用性,进一步完善了冒口设计的周界商法;得出了冒口补缩效率与铸件和冒口的周界商比值成正比的结论。
Abstract: This paper has described the oil and water seperating principal by chemical method and the application of the technique for oilcontaining sewage treatment in steel rolling industry.And the operation and result of the system has been analysed als 文摘:介绍了化学法除油原理以及其在轧钢含油水处理上的应用,并对系统的运行情况及效果进行了分析。
Abstract: This paper has deseribed the principles of preparation and technological process about nitrogen-based sintering atmosphere by ammonium cracked and burnt.The chemical effect in sintering furnace is discussed.The effects of it on the carbon conten 文摘:叙述了氨分解燃烧氮基烧结气氛的制备原理与流程设计;探讨了它在烧结炉中的化学效应;研究了它对铁基结构材料碳含量与性能的影响;揭示了它用于粉末冶金铁基结构件烧结时,在节能、降耗、资源利用、环保、安全等方面的优势特征与技术经济价值。
Abstract: This paper has expounded and proved the necessity and importanceof the investigation into element abundances and composition of the crustal surficial materials and, based on strict statistical analysis and calculation of the high-precision data 文摘:论证了中国丰度及地壳表层物质成分研究的必要性和重要性,利用区域地球化学勘查所提供的高精度分析数据,经严格统计计算,发表新疆地区及其一级构造单元表层岩石、岩屑、水系沉积物的39种元素背景平均值。
Abstract: This paper has given a thorough investigation into theapplication of BP neural network to gravitational density interface inversion as well as the implementation of wavelet theory in potential field decomposition and, on such a basis, analysed a 文摘:对BP神经网络在重力密度界面反演以及小波分析在位场分离上的应用进行了深入的研究,进而对小波神经网络在重磁资料反演中的应用前景进行了分析、评价。
Abstract: This paper has recounted the technique for correcting the attitude of plunging fold strata in the application of paleomagnetism to the study of geological structure,and derived the conversion formula for expertsreference. 文摘:介绍了用古地磁研究地质构造问题时倾伏褶皱地层产状的校正方法,推导了换算公式,以提醒同行们的关注。
Abstract: This paper has reviewed the great achievements made by geophysical exploration for solid mineral resources in the aspects of ore prospecting and technical progress, summed up the abundant experience thus accumulated, advanced the general objecti 文摘:回顾了我国固体矿产物探在找矿和技术进步方面所取得的丰硕成果,总结了所积累的丰富经验,提出了我国固体矿产物探应用和技术发展的总体目标与主攻方向以及应重点发展的关键技术。

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