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This disease is important to recognize because there is an effective drug treatment, acyclovir.

This disease features the shortness of breath. 该病的特点是气短。
This disease has a severe evolution, with loss of autonomy, requiring the use of a wheel chair. 该疾病有严峻的进一步病变趋势,患者会丧失自主能力,需要使用轮椅。
This disease is a killer. 这是一种致命的疾病。
This disease is carried by mosquitoes. 这种疾病是蚊子传染的。
This disease is characterized by enthesopathy,arthritis,sausage-like toe and seronegatie enthesopathy and arthropathy syndrome. 肌腱端炎、关节炎、腊肠趾及血清阴性肌腱端病和关节病综合征是本病特征性表现。
This disease is important to recognize because there is an effective drug treatment, acyclovir. 认识这种是很重要的,因为针对它有一种有效的治疗药物,无环鸟苷。
This disease is of transmissibility. 这种病有遗传性。
This disease produces premature aging of the brain. 这种疾病使大脑过早衰老。
This disease with autosomic recessive transmission,begins generally either in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. 这种常染色体的退行性传递疾病,通常起病于孩童时期、青春期、或者成年人的早期。
This disease, mainly affecting children, can be prevented by vaccination. 常见并发不同程度的脑膜脑炎,青春期尚可并发睾丸炎及卵巢炎。
This dish has a strong flavor of cheese. 这道菜有强烈的起士口味。

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