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As a bookworm, a teacher and a storyteller, liuwei's supreme desire is to write a book.

As a biomedical researcher, let me show you my concern and make the following suggestio . 现在让我从生物医学研究者的角度给您一些建议。
As a blast primer for temporary protection of steel blast cleaned on site. 钢板现场喷砂后涂布于表面作临时保护膜。
As a bone grows, new tissue is deposited on the outside, and in the long bones growth also occurs at the ends of the shafts. 当骨骼生长的时候,新的组织沉积在外层;而在长骨中,骨干两端也会跟著增长。
As a bonus, Dallas already sports a 2-0 lead in head-to-head matchups if seeding comes down to a tiebreaker. 另外,达拉斯已经有在延长赛里2-0领先的比赛.
As a bonus, he'll be able to receive his 1)posthumous praise in person. 还有一个连带好处:他可以亲自接受死后的赞扬。
As a bookworm, a teacher and a storyteller, liuwei's supreme desire is to write a book. 读书、教书、说书的刘为,最大的愿望是写书。
As a boy Edison showed a special interest in science. 爱迪生小时候对科学有特殊的兴趣。
As a boy I witnessed the intercommunal rioting that followed the partition of India into the separate countries of India and Pakistan. 在我是个孩童时我目睹社区交相暴动导致印度分裂成印度及巴基斯坦两个国家。
As a boy he became devoted to the sea, and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. 当一个男孩热爱大海时,他投入到改进船的设计和航行的方法。
As a boy, Mister Bush played on Little League baseball teams. 作为一个孩子,布什先生参加了棒球队小小联盟。
As a branch area, developing circular economy is a necessity of business. 商业作为经济的一个子领域,发展循环经济是必然的选择。

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