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Greedy beggars!’ he observed, making for the provender. ‘Why didn't you invite me, Ratty?

Greed is good. 贪婪是好事。
Greed led to his downfall. 他因贪得无厌而导致身败名裂。
Greed not only brings miseryit may also bring ruin. “贪”不但带来痛苦,也使人堕落。
Greed was his undoing. 贪婪就是坠落
Greediness is one of the common characteristics of compulsive gambler. 贪婪是嗜赌成癖的赌棍们的普遍特性之一。
Greedy beggars!’ he observed, making for the provender. ‘Why didn't you invite me, Ratty? “贪吃的花子们!”他朝食物凑拢去,“鼠兄,怎不邀请我呀?”
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out . 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。
Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out. 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。
Greedy heirs waited for the old man to snuff out. 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。
Greek President George Papadopoulos is ousted in military coup led by Lieutenant General Phaidon Gizikis. 1973年,希腊总统乔治·帕帕多波洛斯被由费顿·格兹科斯中将发动的军事政变赶下了台。
Greek and US officials say anti-American demonstrations on the Greek capital hours before Mr Powell`s expected arrival play no part in this decision to cancel the trip. 美国和希腊的官员声称在鲍威尔预定到达几小时前希腊首都反美言论不是他取消这次计划的原因。

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