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The international campaign to ban land mines says mine-clearing efforts made more progress last year than ever before.

The international Digital Communication Net has been connected, and the service of dial telephone is offered at home and abroad, and it is very convenient for customerS with the service of telex, fax, mobile communication and net . 已开通国际数据通讯网,国际国内电话直拨,用户电报、传真、移动通讯、无线寻呼和网络服务十分方便。
The international also has youth on his side; turning 23 in December yet counting on good European experience in the Italian league first with Salernitana and then at Messina. 这个国际选手有他的优势,他还年轻;今年十月份他才23岁,并且已经有了在意大利联赛踢球的经历,分别效力过球会沙兰力坦拿和梅西纳。
The international application for the patent right for invention shall be subject to Paragraph 1 of Article 51 of these Rules. 要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,适用本细则第五十一条第一款的规定。
The international balance of payment mainly includes current account, capital account and official reserve account. 国际收支平衡表主要包括经常项目、资本项目和官方储备项目。
The international blockbuster murder mystery, by US author Dan Brown, follows a Harvard professor as he supposedly uncovers a secret about the life of Christ and the clandestine society that had tried to protect it over the ages. 这部在国际上引起轰动的谋杀悬念小说由美国人丹·布朗所著,情节以一位哈佛教授为主线,据说他揭开了耶稣基督生平的一个秘密,并发现了长期以来竭力保守此秘密的一个隐密团体。
The international campaign to ban land mines says mine-clearing efforts made more progress last year than ever before. “国际禁雷运动”称去年的排雷工作比以往任何一年取得的进步更大。
The international campaign to ban {land mines} says mine-clearing efforts made more progress last year than ever before. 国际战争地雷禁止组织声称,清除地雷行动,在去年的努力下,取得了前所未有的进展。
The international community appears to be no more than a global village,in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes,while seeking the common developement in a harmonious and respectful relationship. 国际社会如同一个地球村,居住在地球村里的各国人民在文化交流和冲撞中和睦相处,彼此尊重,共求发展.
The international community condemned the assassination. The United States called the killing an act of intimidation against Lebanon's elected government. 国际社会谴责这次暗杀行动。美国说这次暗杀是对黎巴嫩民选政府的恫吓。
The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity,. 我们正处在一个从工业化社会向服务&信息社会的转轨过程之中。
The international community should observe the principles of neutrality, objectivity and justice without favoring either party in resolving the conflict between Palestine and Israel. 国际社会在解决巴以冲突中应遵循中立、客观、公正,不偏袒任何一方的原则。

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