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Cytoskeleton of a cultured epithelial cell. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is shown in red and DNA is in blue.Image by Steve Rogers.

Cytoplasm The living contents of a cell, excluding the nucleus and large vacuoles, in which many metabolic activities occur. 细胞质:细胞内的生活物质,包括细胞核和大液泡,是进行代谢活动的场所。
Cytoplasmic inheritance (extrachromosomal inheritance) The determination of certain characters by genetic material contained in plasmids or organelles other than the nucleus, e.g. mitochondria and chloroplasts. 胞质遗传:由质体或非细胞核的细胞器,例如线粒体或叶绿体所携带的遗传物质决定遗传性状的遗传现象叫做胞质遗传。
Cytoplasmic inheritance is known in a wide variety of plants, animals, and unicellular organisms. 胞质遗传广泛存在于动植物和单细胞生物体中。
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is of tremendous importance in plant breeding. 摘要细胞质雄性不育的研究在杂种优势利用上具有重要的实践意义。
Cytoskeleton of a cultured epithelial cell. Microtubules are shown in green and DNA is shown in blue. 处于有丝分裂间期的动物上皮细胞。绿色为微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,蓝色为染色质,中心点复制成两个。
Cytoskeleton of a cultured epithelial cell. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is shown in red and DNA is in blue.Image by Steve Rogers. 人工培养的动物上皮细胞,目前处于分裂间期。绿色为微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,蓝色为DNA(染色质)。
Cytosol The soluble fraction of cytoplasm remaining after all particles have been removed by centrifugation. 胞质溶胶(细胞溶胶):离心后细胞质可溶的部分,不包括细胞中的颗粒成分。
Czech Republic midfielder Vladimir Smicer will return to his homeland next season after agreeing terms with Slavia Prague. 捷克中场斯米切尔在同意了布拉格斯拉维亚队后,将在下个赛季返回自己的祖国踢球.
Czech cup semi's played on different days. 捷克杯赛半决赛在不同的日期举行。
Czech police say a Ru ian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。
Czech police say a Russian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。

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