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Storage: Please store the product in sealed, cool and dry condition and put it out of children's reach.

Storage tanks and mobile delivery tanks should be dedicated to one gas and a well defined quality of this gas. 储存罐和移动传输罐必须专用于一种气体并保证气体的质量。
Storage temperatures is frequently outside specified range. 储存温度经常在规定范围外。
Storage) Shading and closeness are preserved. 遮光、密闭保存。
Storage, heating, testing and drying are all in an environment without oxygen or filled with inert gases, which ensures no oxidation. 储存、加热、试验和干燥都是在没有氧气或者充满惰性气体环境里进行,所以不会氧化。
Storage: In covered, clean, dry sheds at room temperature, free from parasitical infestations and any kind of foreign smell. 贮存:室温下,置于洁净、干燥和密闭的容器中保藏,远离外界污染及不良气味。
Storage: Please store the product in sealed, cool and dry condition and put it out of children's reach. 存贮方式:请旋紧瓶盖,置于阴凉干燥处保存和儿童无法触及地方。
Storage: Seal tightly after each use and keep it in a cool and dry place. Avoid damp or sunlight. Best use contents within one month after opening. 贮存方法:存放于阴凉干燥处。防止潮湿、日晒,每次用完后请将袋口封紧,开封后最佳在一个月内用完。
Storage: Stored in low temperature of it will become degraded circulating is needed Period of storage is 6. months. 贮藏:低温贮存,贮存时会慢慢降解,故应贮存于低温处。防潮、防热,贮存应定期周转使用。贮存稳定期为6个月。
Storage: under normal temperature, may freezes under low temperature, quality and stability property not changed after unfreezing. 保存方法:常温保存,温度过低时会结冻,解冻后产品质量及稳定性不变。
Storari has signed a contract at the club until June 2010 even if no details of the fee paid to the Sicilian side have been released. 斯托拉里与俱乐部签定的合同是到2010年6月到期,西西里人的球队在这笔转会中获得的收入并不多。
Store a matrix per vertex that takes the light from local-space to texture space. 每个顶点储存一个矩阵,表示光线从本地空间到纹理空间的转换。

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