B Can she speak Chinese? |
中文意思: 她会说汉语吗? |
B Are there less in New York?
纽约的出租车数量少吗? |
B Are you a college student?
乙你是个大学生吗? |
B Busy?! It was like the Beijing subway at rush hours, or the Wangfujing Street on a busy shopping day!
热闹?!就像北京高峰时刻的地铁一样,或者像客流量大时的王府井大街! |
B But I'm sure it's hard work too.
但是我想那也是辛苦的工作。 |
B Bye, Ping. I'll call you tomorrow.
再见,平。我明天给你打电话。 |
B Can she speak Chinese?
她会说汉语吗? |
B Can we have two plain steamed rice and one fried rice, please?
我们可以要两份白米饭和一份炒饭吗? |
B Certainly I do. And I can remember the panic beforehand.
我当然记得了。我还记得在奥运会召开前的紧张气氛。 |
B Certainly, a table for 4. What time?
当然,一张四人桌。什么时间? |
B Certainly, sir. What time?
当然可以,先生。什么时间叫您? |
B Class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis, bacillary and amebic dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, poliomyelitis, measles, pertussis, diphtheria, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, scarlet fever, epidemic hemorr
乙类传染病是指:病毒性肝炎、细菌性和阿米巴性痢疾、伤寒和副伤寒、艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、脊髓灰质炎、麻疹、百日咳、白喉、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、猩红热、流行性出血热、狂犬病、钩端螺旋体病、布鲁氏菌病、炭疽、流行性和地方性斑疹伤寒、流行性乙型脑炎、黑热病、疟疾、登革热。 |