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Hong Tu Decoration Engineering Company has a stable foundation, the credibility and reliability of the scale of strength.

Hong Kong, with just under 7m people, is already one of the most densely populated places on the planet. 人口数量略低于700万的香港,已经是地球上人口最稠密的地方之一。
Hong Kongers, previously courted in Shenzhen as a source of hard currency by everyone from touts of fake DVDs to upmarket designer stores, are now being told to keep their dollars because retailers do not want a currency that is losing ground against Chin 香港人此前深圳作为来源追捧硬通货大家对DVD光盘从师爷假冒名牌高档商店、正因为零售商对保持美元的货币就是不想处于下风针对中国人民币.
Hong Kong‘s air pollution causes four deaths a day on average. Can the city clean up the smog? 香港的空气污染平均每天造成四人的死亡。香港能改善它的空气质量吗?
Hong Liang at Goldman Sachs reckons that a 10% rise in the yuan's trade-weighted value would knock 1.5 percentage points off inflation over two years. 高盛的梁鸿(音译)认为,人民币升值10%将在超过两年的时间内使通货膨胀降低1.5个百分点。
Hong LouMeng is an encyclopedia of Chinese traditional culture in the feudalistic society, which is reflected to some extent in its portrayal of the furniture and decorations of the Rong and the Ning Mansion. 摘要《红楼梦》是中国封建社会传统文化的百科全书,从其对荣宁两府家具摆设的描写中就可窥视一斑。
Hong Tu Decoration Engineering Company has a stable foundation, the credibility and reliability of the scale of strength. 宏图装饰设计工程有限公司具有稳固的根基和可靠的信誉!
Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864) was not only the successor of Christianity and Confucianism, but also the betrayer. 摘要洪秀全是基督教教义和儒家教义的继承者,同时也是基督教教义和儒家教义的叛逆者。
Hong kong rate as one of the biggest trade center in the world. 香港是世界上最大的贸易中心之一。
Hong long does the liner delay? 班机诞误多长时间?
HongKong is out of the question. 香港根本没有在讨论范围内。
HongKong's retun have a great history meaning. 香港回归具有重要的历史意义。

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