It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed.
他另有妻室一事已经暴露,随之他被指控犯有重婚罪。 |
It develops beautifully on the palate and all the wonderful taste sensations converge into a long aftertaste with hints of vanilla.
所有的宜人口味最后凝聚成淡淡的香草回味,典雅而悠长。 |
It did not build up the entangled bounds between different roles as complicatedly as Infernal Affairs.
它并没有在不同的人物之间建立起和原版无间道一样复杂的纠葛。 |
It did not chew, it swallowed the leaves whole.
吃东西时,它不嚼,而是将叶子整片吞下。 |
It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad.
虽然不能说绝对的难以形容实际上,确实与贫民窟也相差无几了。 |
It did not go off at a particular location and spread out from there into some imagined preexisting void.
它并不是在某个特定的位置发生,然后在某个原来便存在的空间中散开。 |
It did not help that one of his very vocal opponents Marcellus of Ancyra did, in fact, border dangerously on modalism.
安吉拉的马赛路,他的一位强烈反对者,其观点事实上的确与形态论很危险地接近;这实在于事无补。 |
It did not identify the foreign country or the spy agency.
报导没有指明这个外国或者情报机构。 |
It did not just inspire the vegetarian in me but also the environmentalist and humanitarian.
它不仅影响我成为一位素食者,并且让我成为一位环境保护论者与人道主义者。 |
It did not matter that the Bronx Bombers came to October with the best everyday lineup in baseball.
一进到十月(季后赛),那与你每天都有惊人如轰炸机般豪华打线无关。 |
It did not mean that they were to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.
这并不意味着它们应该去旋转它们自己的小世界、去扭曲法则以造就它们梦中的意象。 |