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The antitrust laws do not interfere with business decisions like these as long as the manufacturer acts unilaterally and not as part of a scheme to monopolize a market.

The antiterrorism provisio have also affected 500 asylum seekers in the United States, whose cases have been delayed and has prevented 700 people, who have already been deemed refugees or granted asylum, from becoming permanent residents here for the time 反恐条款也影响到了美国500余名需要收容的人员,他们的案子被一再拖延,而且有700名被确认难民身份并准予收容的人员,但他们目前还不可能有永久居住权。
The antiterrorism provisions have also affected 500 asylum seekers in the United States, whose cases have been delayed and has prevented 700 people, who have already been deemed refugees or granted asylum, from becoming permanent residents here for the ti 反恐条款也影响到了美国500余名需要收容的人员,他们的案子被一再拖延,而且有700名被确认难民身份并准予收容的人员,但他们目前还不可能有永久居住权。
The antithesis of death is life. 与死相对的是生。
The antitraitor movement leaped like a flame from village to village. 斗争汉奸的群众运动势如燎原之火,从一个村庄延烧到另一个村庄。
The antitrust laws describe unlawful practices in general terms, leaving it to the courts to decide what specific practices are illegal based on the facts and circumstances of each case. 反托拉斯法只是在总体上描述了一些非法的实践,而让各法院根据每个案件的事实和背景去确定其具体的违法行为。
The antitrust laws do not interfere with business decisions like these as long as the manufacturer acts unilaterally and not as part of a scheme to monopolize a market. 只要制造商的行动是单方面的且不是垄断市场计划的一部分,反托拉斯法就不会干涉企业所做出的此类商业决定。
The antitrust laws, however, give a manufacturer latitude to adopt a policy regarding a desired level of resale prices and to deal only with retailers who independently decide to follow that policy. 反托拉斯法充许制造商在一定的价格浮动范围内采用其所意愿的最低转售价格政策,及只与可独立贯彻该政策的零售商交易。
The antitumor activity, hydrolysis, binding characters to DNA and proteins of ruthenium complexes are briefly reviewed. 摘要本文对钌配合物在抗肿瘤方面的研究情况、水解过程、与DNA和蛋白质的作用情况进行了简要的评述。
The antiwear coating could also be used to other metals. 该涂料也可应用在其他金属材料的表面防护上。
The antler is a bone tissue which can be regenerated postnatally annually. 摘要鹿茸角是雄鹿(驯鹿除外)一种后天可逐年再生的骨组织。
The ants are thought to have arrived in the southern state of Alabama in the 1920s or 30s. 这种蚂蚁被认为是在十九世纪20年代或30年代到达阿拉巴马州的。

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