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Based on the study of existing evaluation approach of commercial forestland and ecology forestland, this paper used the opportunity cost theory, sample theory, discriminant analysis theory and discounted cash flow analysis to establish the evaluation theo

Based on the structural features of semi-cylinder composite dike in the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Phase Ⅱ Project NⅡA section, the key technique of such semi-cylinder transportation procedure and precasting quality is analyzed and summa 摘要依据长江口深水航道治理二期工程NⅡA标整治建筑物中半圆体混合堤结构形式,对这种半圆体大型构件出运工艺与预制质量控制的技术关键进行分析总结,供同行参考。
Based on the study of 400 typical failure analysis cases, it is illustrated that association rule mining method can effectively obtain the potential useful rule-based knowledge, and provide decision support to failure analysis. 分析表明:关联规则数据挖掘能够从大量失效数据信息中提取潜在的有用信息和知识,从而为失效分析提供决策支持。
Based on the study of Chinese American Literature and Culture, this paper analyzed in general the commercialization of minority cultures in USA. 摘要本文以华裔美国文学为例讨论了美国少数族裔文化的商品化问题。
Based on the study of HFC MAC protocol over contention/reservation scheme, an efficient method, which worked on random contention and polling model has been proposed in this article to meet the needs of a multi-priority service access control system. 摘要研究了基于争用/预约机制的混合光纤/同轴宽带接入网媒体接入控制协议原理,提出了随机争用与周期查询排队系统相结合的终端申请接入方式,使不同优先级的终端申请能以不同的控制机制实现接入。
Based on the study of Jianning County, forest ecotourism characteristics, and Jianning natural geography, tourism sources and society economic conditions itself, the tourism resources situation was thoroughly analyzed and the tourism exploitation of Minji 摘要选择闽江源建宁县作为研究地,根据森林生态游的特点,结合建宁县自身的自然地理概况、旅游资源和社会经济条件,深入剖析研究地旅游资源的现状,进一步对闽江源的旅游开发进行了初步研究。
Based on the study of existing evaluation approach of commercial forestland and ecology forestland, this paper used the opportunity cost theory, sample theory, discriminant analysis theory and discounted cash flow analysis to establish the evaluation theo 摘要该文在对已有的商品性林地资源价值和公益性林地资源价值评估方法进行研究的基础上,综合运用机会成本理论、抽样和判别分析理论及收益还原理论,建立一种适用于生态公益林建设专案投资评价的林地资源价值评估模型。
Based on the study of geologic characteristics, such as mineralogic assembladge, structural and textural features of granite of Guidong granitic massif, and by using petrochemical, trace-element and isotopic data, and some petrochemical, trace-element and 摘要本文在研究贵东花岗岩岩体岩石矿物组合、结构构造等地质特徵的基础上,运用花岗岩的岩石化学、微量元素和同位素等分析数据,采用目前广泛应用的几种岩石化学图解、微量元素和同位素图解等方法,判别了贵东岩体形成的构造环境爲造山带后碰撞型。
Based on the study of phantom stock plan, a set of datailed program is designed which includes establishment of incentive fund, determination of internal price, institution of merit system for the plan's grantors, award of phantom stock, exercise and mana 研究虚拟股票期权计划,对其中有关基金的设立、内部价格的确定、虚拟股票期权计划获受人的考核与授予、行权和管理等方面内容进行技术设计,为企业提供一个有较强可操作性和科学性的实施方案.
Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed. 摘要通过对长江口径流、潮流和波浪共同作用下的泥沙运动规律的研究,开发并建立了长江口全沙(悬沙和底沙)数学模型。
Based on the study of the development of western logics the paper points out the source of the problems concerning Hetuvidya research and suggests solutions for that. 通过与西方逻辑发展状况的对照,指出了因明研究中存在问题的根源和解决方法。
Based on the study of the electrical properties of the disturbed and gas-logged coal mass and the oppsite kind of coal mass, the authors probed into the radio wave responed characteristics of the disturbed and gas-logged coal seams, thus providing theoret 摘要在瓦斯突出煤体和非突出煤体的电学性质研究基础上,研究了瓦斯突出煤层的无线电波响应特徵,为利用无线电波透视技术探测瓦斯突出煤体和进行瓦斯突出带的非接触式预测提供了理论基础。

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