One or two of my players were aggrieved and the captain has got sent off for questioning the decision.
“我们有一两名球员受到了不公平判罚,队长因质问裁判被罚下场。 |
One part of my recovery was an important realisation that I could be all the things I was - an extravert, a pursuer of new ideas and a risk-taker - without recourse to artificial substances,he says.
他讲:“戒酒使咱认识到—个重要的事情,不必借助酒精,咱也可以充分展现咱自己:性格外向、追求新观点、敢于冒险。” |
One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. These are people who can't get elected themselves but keep bothering elected public officials with unneeded advice.
这人说:“要说指手画脚的人,在政界人士中你可以找到好多。这些人自己竞选失败,没能当选,可是老是不断地给当选的官员提供那些没有必要的意见。” |
One point isn't enough, we're going to try and win it,he declared. We want to keep the form right so I'll be playing my strongest team.
弗格森爵士说到:“我认为一分并不是理想的结果,我将派遣最强阵容出战,以赢下比赛为目标。” |
One point?!!I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans.
“一分?!”“我在我生活的那个城市里开办了赈济处并为收容无家可归的老兵的收留所工作。” |
One shot costs a hundred slaves, because it grants the strength of hundred slaves, too.
「它一针值百个奴隶,因为它也给人百个奴隶的力量。」 |
One thing I enjoy about shooting the breeze -- you can relax and say anything you want to. You're among friends and nobody takes things seriously.
这个人说:我很喜欢聊天,因为你可以很放松,想说什么都行。你是和朋友在一起,没有人会很认真的。 |
One thing we mentioned on Saturday against Andorra was the discipline, was the way our players stayed in control, stayed calm and focused.
有一件事在星期六对安道儿的比赛,就是我们的球员要学会控制,保持冷静,精神要集中。 |
One time I left my clean laundry in the washing machine when I went away on a five-day trip.
「有次出门工作,临行前忘记将洗衣机中的衣物晾晒,直到五日后回家,湿的衣物仍放在洗衣机内,但竟然毫无异味,还保持清新的气味。 |
One way to look at trade is this.
“一种看待贸易的方法是这样的:我们占世界人口的5%。 |
One way to measure the required risk capital is to relate it to the volatility of earnings from this line of business; i.e., earnings-at-risk.
楼主,我想你是在讨论银行业中风险管理的内容,我想在下面的书中已经讲的很清楚了. |