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Listen: we are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Listen,I really want this thing to work so don't screw it up. 听着,我真的希望这个事情能成功,千万不要搞砸了。
Listen,my heart,to the whispers of the world with which is makes love to you. 13静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。
Listen. Do you think the paltry dozen you slew scares us? 听着,你们是不是觉得杀几个微不足道的人就吓倒我们了?
Listen. Do yourself a favor. When you get to her flat, check out her remote controls. 听着,算是帮你自己一把。到了她的公寓后,先检查一遍她那些的遥控器.
Listen: I've just had a brain storm. Here is what we should do. 听我说,我刚好想到个好主意。这就是我们该做的。
Listen: we are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. 听着:我们在这地球上就是来无所事事的。别让任何人告诉你不同看法。
Listened to an engrossing symphony. 听一首引人入胜的交响乐
Listeners react negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar. 听众对充满俚语、行话、和语法错误的讲话反应消极。
Listeners wrote in to congratulate the radio actor on his performance. 听众写信祝贺那位广播员的演技。
Listening and imitating should always go together. 听和模仿一定要同时做。
Listening and imitating should always go together. Use the LIP method! Listen-Imitate-Practice! 听和模仿一定要同时做,使用“LIP”方法:听、模仿、操练!

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