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Russian is still widely used alongside the national language, Uzbek.

Russian delegates in the hall erupted in cheers, jumped to their feet and hugged each other. 俄国人代表在大厅里欢呼,跳跃、互相拥抱。
Russian founder of the Bolsheviks, leader of the Russian Revolution (1917), and first head of the U.S.S.R. (1917-1924). 列宁,弗拉基米尔·伊里奇1870-1924苏联布尔什维克的缔造者,俄国十月革命(1917年)的领导者,是前苏联的第一任领导人(1917-1924年)。
Russian friends return to the unlikely haunt of their Soviet youth — Beatles camp. 俄国朋友回到他们的苏联籍的年轻人的不太可能常到的地方-披头四合唱团露营。
Russian gymnast Alexei Nemov tries to calm spectators who were booing the judges during the men's horizontal bar final at the Athens Olympic Games, August 23, 2004. 俄罗斯体操选手涅莫夫在2004年8月23日进行的雅典奥运会的男子体操单杠决赛中试图平息观众对裁判的嘘声。
Russian is a difficult language to master. 俄语是门难以精通的语言。
Russian is still widely used alongside the national language, Uzbek. 俄语仍然广泛地与官方语言乌兹别克语并用。
Russian modernization and westernization deserves reflection. 俄罗斯现代化与西方化值得反思。
Russian novelist and philosopher Leo Tolstoy died on November 10 at the age of 82. 1910年俄国小说家、哲学家列夫·托尔斯泰逝世,享年82岁。
Russian officials say the deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus has killed more than 100-thousand birds on a poultry farm in southern Russia. 俄罗斯官员说,致命的H5N1型禽流感病毒在俄罗斯南部一个家禽饲养厂造成10万多只家禽死亡。
Russian painter who influenced the development of abstract art. His works include White on White(1918). 马里维奇,凯斯米尔1878-1935俄罗斯画家,对抽象艺术的发展具有很大的影响。他的作品包括白中之白(1918年)
Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response. He won a1904 Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion. 巴甫洛夫,伊凡·彼得洛维奇1849-1936俄国生理学家,因发现条件反射而著名,他1904年因在研究消化作用的特征方面的贡献而获诺贝尔奖

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