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It is very late; hence you must go to bed.

It is very improtant to forecast the demand for water of a city for its sustainable development.In this article,forecast model was constructed by means of system dynamic analysis and applied to a example. 为了实现城市可持续发展,城市需水量预测极为重要,利用系统动力学分析方法建立了预测模型,并通过实例进行了应用,给城市节水用水工作提供了重要的参考依据。
It is very interesting that Mark is a Britisher, but he likes Beijing opera. 一件有趣的事情是迈克是英国人,但他喜欢京剧。
It is very irresponsible of him to not answer my letter. 不回复我的信是他太不负责了。
It is very irritating when someone's phone rings in the movie theater. 电影院内有人的手机响起时,真的很惹人厌。
It is very late on Christmas Eve now. 这会儿的圣诞夜已经很晚了。
It is very late; hence you must go to bed. 时间已经很晚了,因此你必须睡觉去。
It is very likely that these two ships will serve for operational trial and evaluation purpose. 这两艘船极可能作为试验平台和评估目的用途。
It is very long, and there is a lot of notation, but overall it's actually not doing anything all that complicated. 首先是它比较长,还有就是符号多,最要命的是这节内容很复杂。
It is very moisture in the wood and there are numerous tall trees whose bark is moisture and black because of the lichen on them, just like the trees at home. 森林中一片都是湿润的,有无数参天的大树,连它们的树皮都是黝黑地湿润着,因为上面长满了青苔,和家里的一样。
It is very natural for those who long for good jobs . 对那些渴望找到好工作的人来说有这样的想法是很自然的。
It is very natural that they two fall in love. 他们两人相爱是很自然的事。

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