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Better leave it unsaid.

Better labelling has become an important weapon of the food giants' armoury as they fight back against their critics. 在食品业巨头们回击批评意见的过程中,更好的标注方式已经成为他们“武器库”中的一个“杀手锏”。
Better late than never,act at once to reduce the effect of an error you made earlier. 无论何时你发现自己做错了,竭尽所能去弥补。动作要快!
Better late than never. 迟做比不做好。
Better late than never. 28.Did you enjoy your flight? 迟到总比不到好。你的飞行旅途愉快吗?
Better late than never: We should try to do important things on time. However, doing them a bit late is better than not doing them at all. 迟做总比不做好:我们必须及时做重要的事。然而,稍微迟做一点总比完全不做好。
Better leave it unsaid. 不说为妙,说出来反而不好。
Better lie low until this affair blows over. 事过境迁之前,你还是躲起来较好。
Better lose a jest than a friend. 宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。
Better lose the saddle than the horse. 【谚】宁可丢鞍,不可失马。
Better management, the study maintained, could save tens of billions of dollars in America alone. 这项研究指出,如果提高管理能力,仅在美国就可以节约上百亿美元的慈善资金。
Better master one than engage with ten. 十事半通,不如一事精通.

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