One can contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of filtered coffee, and combined with other energy boosting ingredients, such as Taurine and Glucuronolactone, it gives you wings!
每罐红牛饮料和一杯过滤咖啡在咖啡因含量上是相同的,并融合了其它有提神功效的成分,如牛磺酸和葡萄糖醛酸内酯,它会让你一振冲天的! |
One can design a newspaper office to enhance the here and now, the immediacy of the ephemeral present, disappearing as soon as it is portrayed in banner headlines.
一个报社办公楼可以被设计来强调此时此地,此刻的转瞬即逝,消失的就好像报纸头条的通栏大字标题一样。 |
One can dissent from one or other of these positions.
有人可以不同意这个或那个看法。 |
One can divide the Pakistani households into three categories: marginal (those owning less than one hectare of land), small (one to three hectares) and large (more than three).
我们可以将巴基斯坦的家庭分为三类:非常小户(拥有土地不到1公顷者)、小户(1~3公顷者)、大户(超过3公顷者)。 |
One can easily envisage many other forces that would promote the evolution of intelligence, such as the need to work hard for one's food.
我们不难想像,许多其他的力量也能促进智能演化,例如努力觅食的需求。 |
One can enter the museum with mine locomotive, and the museum preserves large-scale mining machinery and a small-scale exhibition hall, as well as a simulated pit.
百年后的今天,煤矿工业在台湾已失去了昔日的风采,然而在台湾煤矿博物馆,您会发现,岁月可以让很多事物充满回忆。 |
One can equate this with the nature of the persona and old astrology; red and magenta folk tend to be ambitious, creative, dynamic and energetic in nature much like the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius; orange folk tend to be grounded and centered such
你能把此等同于人的天性和旧占星术;红色和洋红族倾向于有雄心的、创造性的、动态的和积极的天性,就象白羊宫和人马宫的火;橙色族倾向于被根植的和被置于中心的,例如摩羯宫和金牛宫的土;蓝色和绿色族的天性是情感和疗愈的,很像双鱼和巨蟹宫的水;紫色族倾向于灵性及向内聚焦的天性,很像天蝎和宝瓶宫的太阳。 |
One can exaggerate motions, for example an arm may move just a bit too far briefly in an extreme swing.
角色的动作过程是可以夸张的,譬如可以让胳膊摆动过程中抖动的很厉害。 |
One can express his feeling and ideas both orally and verbally.
人们可用口头或书面来表达自己的感情与思想。 |
One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. |
One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.
可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味. |