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Therefore, judges should possess not only public servants' awareness and honesty but also professional morals which include resolution, caution and mildness.

Therefore, it's important to look closely at your plug-in's initialization tasks and consider alternatives to performing initialization at start-up. 因此,认真检查插件的初始化任务并考虑换一种方法在启动时实现初始化,是非常有意义的。
Therefore, it's necessary to set op scientific teacher appointment system, perfect the evaluation system for teacher's job achievement, and build scientific incentive mechanism. 提出了应采取制定科学的教师聘任制、完善教师工作业绩评价体系、建立科学的激励机制等相应的对策。
Therefore, it's no surprise that The Brightness, Mitchell's Righteous Babe debut, is infused with the restless, worldly perspective of a real troubadour. 所以,米切尔作为一位真正的民谣歌手,她在“正直宝宝”的新作《光亮》定会受到公众的好评。
Therefore, its quantum state can be represented as a wave, of arbitrary shape and extending over all of space, called a wavefunction. 因此,其量子态可以表现为波,形状任意而扩展遍及整个空间,称作波函数。
Therefore, its teaching content and key point have their particularity. 所以计算机专业英语的教学内容、教学重点等也有其特殊性。
Therefore, judges should possess not only public servants' awareness and honesty but also professional morals which include resolution, caution and mildness. 因而,法官不仅要具备公仆意识、廉洁、公正的官德,而且还应具备其作为职业者的职业伦理,即刚毅、谨慎、平和。
Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. 来4:1我们既蒙留下有进入他安息的应许、就当畏惧、免得我们中间、〔我们原文作你们〕或有人似乎是赶不上了。
Therefore, level 50 is attainable. You will be able to finalize your class and realize the full potential of that class. 因此,50级是可以达到的,您可以决定下来您的职业并且可以认识到所选职业的全部潜能。
Therefore, leveling will be a must in order to complete some quests. 因此,升级是完成一些任务的必经之路。
Therefore, life instinct and the will to existence is a field that is well worth doing in study of philosophic history. 所以,生命本能和生存意志是哲学史研究中一个大有可为的领域。
Therefore, loss of adrenal or ovarian function, caused by Addison's disease or consequent to bilateral oophorectomy, results in severe androgen deficiency, clinically often associated with a loss of libido and energy. 因此,阿迪森氏病或双侧卵巢切除术所致的肾上腺或卵巢结构缺如,将导致严重的雄激素缺乏,在临床上经常与性欲和体力下降有关联。

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