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The folks who comment on your posts like to argue and I don't. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to fight my way into the crowd.

The folk-custom culture of Buluotuo with characteristics of ethnics, region, sanctity and crowd are more brilliant, which is combined to the cultural factors with specific scale and is conducted with industrialization, can be developed into local tourist 布洛陀民俗文化的民族性、区域性、神圣性和群众性都较为鲜明,联结周边已成规模的文化因素,加以产业化运营,可以发展成为当地的旅游特色经济。
The folklore about toilet seats and other kinds of nonsexual acquisition originated before we knew that HSV could be transmitted when a person had no symptoms, and before we knew that people could catch herpes then show no symptoms for a long time. (按:这种误解在国内很普遍,很多国内网站都认为生殖器疱疹可以通过性行为以外其他方式感染,是因为他们不清楚HSV可以无症状排毒,可以被感染后相当长的时期内没有症状,因此不能找到传染的原因,只能怀疑是通过其他方式传染。)
The folklore told generations after generations still attracts los of people. 那些世世代代传下来的故事仍然吸引着许多人.
The folks live peacefully and abundantly in the village surrounded with green trees and slender bamboos. When you come here, you can't help terming it as the garden of Eden. 绿树和修竹环抱着村子,人们幸福平和地居住在这里。当你来到这里,你禁不住会喊出----人间的伊甸园。
The folks use this pattern to symbolize long life and forever young vigour. 民间更爱它的常清不老,在传统装饰上它是长寿的代表。
The folks who comment on your posts like to argue and I don't. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to fight my way into the crowd. 给你评论的人喜欢争、论、辩、驳,我没兴趣。我觉得自己很难杀出一条血路。
The follies which a man regrets most in his life are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. 一个人在它一生中都在后悔那些自己它曾有有机会却没有把握的事是愚蠢的。
The follow-up coronary angiogram 3 months later showed patent RCA. 在3个月后做冠状动脉摄影追踪,显示通畅的右冠状动脉。
The follower of the Lie (Druj) is a thieving nomad, an enemy of orderly agriculture and animal husbandry. 谎言的追随者是一个偷窃的流浪者,是有秩序的农业和动物管理的敌人。
The followers of Islam are Muslims.They believe in one God (Allah in Arabic) and that Muhammad is His Prophet. 它的顺从者也叫“穆斯林”,他们信仰一个神(阿拉伯语叫“安拉”),穆罕默德(含意为“受到高度赞扬”)是神的先知。
The following Boolean operators can be used to combine terms. Note that they must be CAPITALIZED ! 下面的逻辑检索词可以用来联合检索词进行检索。注意:这些词在使用时必须大写!

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