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From 2000 on, the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, following its premiere of the “Vintage Zither Art Festival” revolving around ethnic instruments garnering widespread acclaims, has continued to debut the Erhu Festival, Winds Festival, Plucked Stringed Instrumen

From 1997 to 2004, for example, the price tag for the nickel metal hydride batteries used in hybrids dropped by half, as did their weight. 举例来说,从1997~2004年,混合车使用的镍氢电池价格降低了一半,重量也减轻一半。
From 1998 to 2005, we performed 205 pancreas transplantations. 从1998年至2005年,我们共进行205例胰腺移植。
From 1999 onwards the city began to take on a new look. 从1990年起,这个城市开始出现了新面貌.
From 1999 to 2002, a bird investigation was conducted in the distribution area of the Crested Ibis, Yangxian, Shaanxi Province. Totally 201 species were recorded, belonging to 16 orders, 48 families and 116 genus. 摘要1999年1月至2002年1月,在陕西省洋县进行朱鹮研究过程中,对当地鸟类进行了长期、系统的观察,记录到鸟类16目48科116属,共201种。
From 1st April 2007, all calling time of IDD0030 and International call forwarding is charged on a per-minute basis. 由2007年4月1日起,所有IDD0030及「国际飞线漫游」之通话时间,均以每分钟为计算单位。
From 2000 on, the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, following its premiere of the “Vintage Zither Art Festival” revolving around ethnic instruments garnering widespread acclaims, has continued to debut the Erhu Festival, Winds Festival, Plucked Stringed Instrumen 自2000年起,台北市立国乐团首度推出以民族器乐为主轴的「古琴艺术节」,广受各界好评,随之继而推出「胡琴艺术节」、「吹管艺术节」、「弹拨艺术节」,成为喜爱民族音乐的乐迷们年度计画的盛事,今年乐团再度推出「吹打艺术节」。
From 2000, the Kronospan devotes to making the ecosystem of the Chinese floor industry. 从2000年起,克诺斯邦就致力于打造中国地板产业的生态系统。
From 2002 to 2004 ,as project manager of DOT tunnel , the first in China, he led to a successful completion of 3 DOT running sections along Metro Yangpu Line in Shanghai. 曾先后参与上海地铁、广州地铁、上海污水治理二期、白龙港污水治理等工程的建设,2002年~2004年任中国首条双圆盾构隧道工程项目经理,成功完成了上海轨道交通杨浦线三个双圆盾构区间隧道的施工。
From 2002 to 2004, the quality of ambient air in urban area of Qinzhou city reach national secondary standard. 摘要2002年至2004年,钦州市区环境空气质量达国家二级标准。
From 2002, JUYUAN cooperated with International enterprise, Introduced the overseas import equipment, established one printing ink factory in Shenzhen. 自2002年起,巨源公司与国际企业合作,引进国外进口设备,在深圳建立了速印机油墨生产厂。
From 2002, this team works on the new motive battery application technique research and equipments development and production research whose technology is placed in domestic to lead a position.The independence intellectual property right technology: base 该中心电动汽车电源技术研究团队是国内唯一具有20年以上专门从事动力蓄电池应用技术和设备研究历程的研发机构。

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