The intraocular pressure (IOP) was (0.± . ) mmHg(-) mmHg, when the disease was onset. Keratic precipitates (KP) were found in all diseased eyes and Tyndall's sign in anterior chamber was seen in only eyes (8.%) by slit lamp microscope. |
中文意思: 例患者发病时眼压[平均(0.± . )mmHg],~mmHg,裂隙灯显微镜检查均可见角膜背羊脂状沉着物,眼(8.%)有房水混浊。 |
The interference value of analogus substances interference assay were the followings: estriol 0 9%, estrone %, progesterone 0 % and testosteone 0 %.
类似物干扰实验干扰值 :雌二醇 0 9% ,雌酮 % ,孕酮 0 % ,睾酮 0 %。 |
The internal laryngeal muscles, myoneme and striola could be seen in the fetal larynges of th week by PTAH staining.
采用PTAH染色法对喉内肌进行染色,可见周甲杓肌已有清晰的胶原纤维及横纹。 |
The international trendence of being professional and the requirements of curriculum reform on basic education brings to new teachers , oblige us to reform instruction of educational curricula, and improve instructional validity.
国际教师教育专业化的趋势和我国基础教育课程改革对新教师的要求,迫使教育类课程进行教学改革,提高教学的有效性。 |
The intestinal infectious rates of the ascaris, trichuris, enterobious, hookworm and clonorchis sinensis were 7.%, 9.%, 9.%, 7.% and 0.%.
肠道蛔、鞭、蛲、钩虫和华支睾吸虫的感染率分别为7.%、9.%、 9.%、7.%及0.%; |
The intine of the pollen began to form in the middle stage of uninucleate microspore.
在单孢花粉中期 ,花粉内壁开始形成。 |
The intraocular pressure (IOP) was (0.± . ) mmHg(-) mmHg, when the disease was onset. Keratic precipitates (KP) were found in all diseased eyes and Tyndall's sign in anterior chamber was seen in only eyes (8.%) by slit lamp microscope.
例患者发病时眼压[平均(0.± . )mmHg],~mmHg,裂隙灯显微镜检查均可见角膜背羊脂状沉着物,眼(8.%)有房水混浊。 |
The intraocular pressure were ( .±.0) mmHg in traditional group,and ( . ± .0) mmHg in releasable sutures group in the last follow up. There were no significant statistical difference between two groups ( P >0.0).
最后随访眼压传统术式组为( .±. 0 )mmHg(mmHg=0 . kPa) ,可松解缝线组为 ( . ± .0 )mmHg,两组间差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 )。 |
The intraoperative "ozze" occurred in 7 cases,the "Gusher" oc cu rred in cases and no CSF leakage occurred in 7 cases.
术中 7例发生多量脑脊液流出 (ozze) ,例发生脑脊液井喷 (gusher) ,7例无脑脊液外溢。 |
The intrinsic aesthetic psychological structure: surprise / startle——depression,resistance——the accumulation,spurt——ponder.
这种内在的审美心理结构为:惊讶/骇——压抑,抗争——积聚,喷涌——涵咏。 |
The intrinsic rates of natu-ral increase(r_m)were 0.079,0.07 ,0.089 and 0.08 for the cohorts developed at 0℃,℃,0℃ and ℃,respectively.
在80% RH 配合 0、、0和℃条件下的内禀增长率(r_m)分别为0.079、0.07 、0.089和0.08。 |
The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym, and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language.
前言主要是名祖名词的定义,阐述名祖名词的发展和存在现状,并强调了名祖名词始终与语言的发展共时。 |