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An analysis on the forearm bone mass density of rural female and the environmental risk factors;

 Losing transport because of splenic asthenia 脾虚失运
Deficiency in spleen and toxic dampness 脾虚湿毒
spleen asthenia with dampness 脾虚挟湿
Effects of dietary boron on serum biochemistry indexes in sheep; 硼对绵羊血液生化指标的影响
Study of the Micro-encapsulation of Coupling Agent and Its Effect on the Stability of Red Phosphorus; 偶联剂包覆赤磷及其安定性研究
An analysis on the forearm bone mass density of rural female and the environmental risk factors; 农村妇女前臂骨密度值的年龄分布及环境危险因素分析
Separation and Analyses of Uremic Middle Molecules by Chromatography and Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry; 尿毒症中分子毒物的分离及飞行时间质谱分析
Study of chest radiography and related clinical features of 180 cases with ureamia with hemodialysis; 尿毒症血液透析180例胸部影像及临床分析
Patinets of Urinaemia and Hemodialysis Must Not Transfuse Fresg Blood; 尿毒症血透病人并非必输新鲜血
Intelligence determination in patients with urinaemia treated by maintainance hemodialysis; 尿毒症维持性血透患者智力的测定分析
Clinical Meanings of Measurement of Urinaemia Patients Parameters on Pletelet and Hemoglobin.; 尿毒症患者血透前后血小板参数及血红蛋白测定临床意义

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