If a production and business operation is small in scale, it may designate part-time emergency rescue persons instead of establishing emergency rescue organizations.
生产经营规模较小,可以不建立应急救援组织的,应当指定兼职的应急救援人员。 |
If a program combines public-domain code with GPL-covered code, can I take the public-domain part and use it as public domain code?
如果一个程序既有公共领域的代码也有GPL代码,我可以把公共领域部分的代码拿出来,并且当它是公共领域代码那样使用吗? |
If a program requires a large number of execution contexts what can be done to minimise thread scheduling overhead?
字面理解:如果一个程序需要执行一大堆东东,那么如何做才能让线程调度开销最少? |
If a project must be subject to tender according to law, the bid assessment committee shall be composed of the representative of the tenderer and experts in the related technological and economic fields, and the number of committee members shall be an odd
依法必须进行招标的项目,其评标委员会由招标人的代表和有关技术、经济等方面的专家组成,成员人数为五人以上单数,其中技术、经济等方面的专家不得少于成员总数的三分之二。 |
If a project subject to tender is a construction project, the contents of the bid documents shall contain the profiles and business performances of the persons-in-charge of the project and major technical personnel to be appointed as well as machinery and
招标项目属于建设施工的,投标文件的内容应当包括拟派出的项目负责人与主要技术人员的简历、业绩和拟用于完成招标项目的机械设备等。 |
If a project subject to tender needs to be divided into bid lots or to determine the construction period, the tenderer shall reasonably make such division or decision and shall state it in his tender documents clearly.
招标项目需要划分标段、确定工期的,招标人应当合理划分标段、确定工期,并在招标文件中载明。 |
If a project would normally take ten testers one year for manual testing, and you are going to add two programmer-years of automation work, you will have to keep the ten testers and add two programmers.
例如,如果某项目通常需要十个测试人员手工测试一年,而你想要为自动化工作投入两个人年,那你就需要保持这十个测试人员,并增加两个程序员。 |
If a propensity towards aggression or violence is shown to have a biological basis in the brain, a lawyer may argue that his client could not control his violent urges.
如果在大脑中显示了一个进攻或暴力倾向的生物基础,一个律师也许辩论,他的委托人不能控制他的暴力驱策。 |
If a protest is found invalid, the Appeals Jury will appoint one of its members to verbally notify the protester that the protest has been declined, mark the original document with the word “DECLINED”, and have it signed by each of the members of the Appe
如果抗议被认定无效,诉愿委员会将指定他们的一名成员以口头通知抗议者抗议已经被拒绝,会在原始文件上注记“DECLINED”(拒绝)字样,然后每位诉愿委员在上面签名,在把保证金交给财务长之前,诉愿委员将原始文件交给秘书长。 |
If a psionic being's score in anyone ability damaged by an attack mode reaches 0, he drops helpless.
如果灵能人物的任一种属性由于攻击模式的伤害而减少到0,他便陷入无助状态。 |
If a quorum is not present at a meeting, any resolution passed at the meeting shall be invalid.
如出席董事会会议人数不满法定人数,其通过的任何决议无效。 |