Detergency Property of a lubricating oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under high temperature conditions or as a result of the action on the oil of acidic contaminants. |
中文意思: 清净性指润滑油在高温条件下或在酸性污染物作用下,阻止或减少生成沉淀的能力。 |
Detects, removes and blocks all types of Spyware.
侦测、移除、阻挡所有类型的间谍程式。 |
Detention 15 minutes administered by classroom teacher at location and time of choice.
思过15分钟,由任课教师决定时间和地点。 |
Detention charges at the rate of USD2500 per day or pro-rata, if time lost in waiting for cargo and/or documents at both ends.
滞留损失:如果船舶在双边港口因货物和/或单证未备妥而遭受船期损失,租船人应每日支付USD2500,不足一天按比例计算。 |
Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.
(运输工具)滞留,延期船、货车或其他运输工具在装卸货物期间超过了规定的离开时间而滞留 |
Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.
运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。 |
Detergency Property of a lubricating oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under high temperature conditions or as a result of the action on the oil of acidic contaminants.
清净性指润滑油在高温条件下或在酸性污染物作用下,阻止或减少生成沉淀的能力。 |
Detergents are formulated to strip everything off of the surface, leaving it squeaky clean.
洗洁精是只为去除表面上的浮垢而设计的,非常干净。 |
Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.
痴呆智力能力,例如记忆力、精神集中的能力、判断力等的恶化,常因某器官病疾或头脑紊乱,引起经常伴随着情感波动和性情的变化 |
Deterioration of the hearing was found in the following days despite steroid treatment.
不料治疗后,听力不进反退,最后证实六例均非突发性重听。 |
Determination alone won't work.
测定仅是行不通的。 |
Determination and perseverance mone the world.
决心和恒心撼动世界. |