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The criminal was captured soon.

The criminal sat on a volcano when the police were trying to track him down. 这个罪犯感到处境危险,因为警方正在设法追踪他。
The criminal scuttled across the river when he saw the policeman coming up. 当墙上的灰泥哗啦啦落在桌子上时,客人们赶忙向门口跑去。
The criminal suspect shall answer the investigators' questions truthfully, but he shall have the right to refuse to answer any questions that are irrelevant to the case. 犯罪嫌疑人对侦查人员的提问,应当如实回答。但是对与本案无关的问题,有拒绝回答的权利。
The criminal throttled the watchman and robbed the bank. 那罪犯勒死了守卫人员,抢了银行。
The criminal tried to grasp at a straw by feigning mental disorder. 罪犯装疯,企图抓住一根救命稻草。
The criminal was captured soon. 罪犯很快就被捕获。
The criminal was condemned to death. 这个罪犯被判死刑。
The criminal was condemned to death. 罪犯被判死刑。
The criminal was confined in a prison and soon he confessed his crime. 罪犯被禁闭在监狱,很快他供认了罪行。
The criminal was convicted of murder. 歹徒被判谋杀罪。
The criminal was fingerprinted in the sheriff's office. 罪犯在警长办公室里被取下指纹。

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