Investment banking describes the activities of a firm conducted when serving as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public.
投资银行业务描述的是一家公司作为证券发行者和投资大众的中间人进行服务活动。 |
Investment banking operations would be “refocused”, with the elimination of only 200-300 jobs.
投行业务将被“重新确定为重点”,裁员仅200至300人。 |
Investment banks are mostly measured on their price-to-book value.
投资银行通常经由账面价值来衡量。 |
Investment banks' biggest worry is the steady increase in interest rates.
投资银行最大的担心是利率的持续上扬。 |
Investment companies meeting the qualifications set forth in Article XV of Directive 22 are permitted to import relevant products for trial marketing in China for the purpose of market development before their invested enterprises are brought into operati
符合22号令第十五条有关条件的投资性公司,在其所投资企业投产前或其所投资企业新产品投产前,为进行产品市场开发,可进口相关产品在国内试销:并可委托境内其他企业生产/加工其产品或其母公司产品并在国内外销售。 |
Investment cost is an important factor for mutual fund to invest.
摘要证券投资基金的投资成本是证券投资基金绩效评估中不可忽视的因素。 |
Investment estimation for the feasibility of construction project;budget estimation budget &audit;base price establishment;examination and consultation for quoted price;assessment of real estate.
工程建设项目可行性研究投资估算;工程概算、预(决)算、招标标底编制、审核及投样报价咨询;房地产评估。 |
Investment focuses on: Software, Hardware, or Program Management.
投资方向:软件、硬件和项目管理。 |
Investment in Real Estate Development: : It includes the investment by the real estate development companies, commercial buildings construction companies and other real estate development units of various types of ownership in the construction of house bu
房地产开发投资:包括各种经济类型的房地产开发公司、商品房建设公司及其他房地产开发单位统一开发的包括统代建、拆迁还建的住宅、厂房、仓库、饭店、宾馆、度假村、写字楼、办公楼等房屋建筑物和配套的服务设施、土地开发工程,如道路、给水、排水、供电、供热、通讯、平整场地等基础设施工程的投资。 |
Investment in and business invitation for the modal transformation of the Yanta New Cultural Center will stay valid for a long period of time!
雁塔文化新天地文化形态转化投资与招商(洽谈会)长期有效! |
Investment in fixed assets, such as roads, factories and machinery, surged by 27.7%.
固定资产的投入,如道路、工厂、设备等增长了27.7%。 |