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They are devoted to their children.

They are developing a new medicine in substitution/place of that one. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are developing a substitute for the medicine. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are developing a substitute for this medicine. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are developing a substitution of this medicine. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They are devising a road system. 他们在设计道路系统。
They are devoted to their children. 他们深爱着自己的孩子。
They are diagnostic methods that doctor uses his tactile sensation of fingers and palm to touch patient's body to get diagnostic data. 它们都是医师运用指、掌的触觉,对病人体表的一定部位进行触摸按压,从而推测病情的诊断方法。
They are dicussing about how to sell out these goods at other places. 他们正在讨论如何在别的地方销售这些商品.
They are dicussing how to sail these product in other places. 他们正在讨论如何在别的地方销售这些商品.
They are different from you and me.' And so it is that every year we are reminded of the disparity when the prominent business publication known as Forbes Magazine lists its annual ranking of the world's billionaires. 而每年著名的商业杂志《福布斯》公布世界上拥有财产十亿美元以上的亿万富翁的名单时,我们就再度被提醒了这样的差距。
They are different in that Book of Songs describes concrete phenomena while Lao Tzu generalizes abstract philosophy. 所不同的是:二雅所描绘的多是些具体的现象,而《老子》则从哲学的高度对其进行抽象的概括。

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