The sun rose above the horizon.
太阳升到地平线上。 |
The sun rose and bathed the earth in its glow.
太阳升起,灿烂的阳光照遍了大地。 |
The sun rose and smiled on it, saying, are you well, my darling?
太阳升上来了,向它微笑,说道:“你好么,我的宝贝儿?” |
The sun rose at seven o'clock.
太阳七点钟升起。 |
The sun rose brightly, and all morning the man tottered and fell toward the ship on the shining sea.
太阳明亮地升起来了,整个早晨他都在蹒跚着,跌跌撞撞地朝着那闪亮的大海上的船走着。 |
The sun rose thinly from the sea.
一轮红日从海边淡淡升起。 |
The sun sank below the horizon.
太阳已沈入地平线。 |
The sun sends out light and warmth.
太阳放出光和热。 |
The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before, ----where there is but a solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings glided by it, or only a
落照沉坠在一处窈窕草地上,不见一房一舍,唯有倾泻于城郭的好一派灿烂辉煌,或许以前夕阳从未在此坠落过,----这儿但见一只孤零零的白尾鹞,羽翼抹上一层金光,但见一只麝鼠从小棚里往外张望,沼泽中央有条黑幕遮掩似的溪流,刚刚蜿蜒而过,缓缓流过一块朽木。 |
The sun setting in the west looks even more beautiful.
西沉的太阳看起来更美。 |
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
诗121:6白日太阳必不伤你.夜间月亮必不害你。 |