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The gauge lis suitable for the place where has danger of explosion.It can measure service mjedium pressure of anti crystallized and anti-solidified explosive mixture of all kinds of the matter without expilsion.

The gathering of tax experts, business leaders and otherheavy-hitters, including Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the FederalReserve, agreed with Mr Paulson that Uncle Sam was “undermining thecompetitiveness of American workers” with high corporate tax 税务专家、商界领袖等重量级人物齐聚一堂,联储前主席格林斯潘在会上表示支持保尔森关于美国公司沉重的税务负担已经开始损害美国工人竞争力的观点。
The gathering together of properties to ensure an equal division of the total for distribution, as among the heirs of an intestate parent. 财产合并把财产集中起来,以便平均分配全部财产,如对无遗嘱被继承人的遗产的处理
The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him. 浮华的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向它道谢的。
The gauge can be used in measure and it also can be used in measuring the pressure and uacuum of the service medium of the carbon steel stainless steel and solders like tin.lead without corroddent function. 氨气压力表适用测量氨的液体和气体正负压力,亦可测量对碳钢、奥氏体不锈钢、锡铅类焊料无腐蚀作用介质的正负压力。
The gauge can be used in measuring the pressure of the service medium of liquid,vapour and gas which will not corrode copper or copper-alloys,it also can pass the measurement the to second instrument to realize the concentrated check and remot control. 仪表用于测量对铜和铜合金无腐蚀作用的液体,蒸气和气体等介质的压力,同时又将被测压力以电阻至二次仪表上,以实现集中检测和远距离控制。
The gauge lis suitable for the place where has danger of explosion.It can measure service mjedium pressure of anti crystallized and anti-solidified explosive mixture of all kinds of the matter without expilsion. 仪表适宜在有爆炸危险的场所内用来测量非结晶、非凝固的爆炸性混合物或各种无爆炸性的介质压力。
The gauge looks pretty much the same just before landing as it does just before crashing. 但是指针并不会提示指向的信号站是不是正确。
The gauth, sometimes known as the lesser beholder, is a 4-foot wide orb dominated by a central eye. 高斯之眼,有时被视为次级眼魔,是由中央主眼控制的4英尺宽的圆球。
The gauze disc (6) serves to hold the coiled wick tightly against the fuel charge, while the back plate (10) protects the washer. 纱网盘(6)用于保持导火索盘紧靠燃料块,后盘(10)用于保护垫圈。
The gauze patch applied to his wound is dirty. 裹在他伤口上的纱布脏了。
The gay package is only for dandy . 这种鲜艳的包装只是为了美观。

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