WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On the verge of war in Iraq, the Bush administration finds its goals complicated by its own uncompromising approach as it builds a legacy that could do long-term damage to NATO, the United Nations and U.S. leadership, diplomats and
华盛顿(路透社)-外交官和分析人士表示,在对伊开战一触即发之际,布什政府发现这一目标已被自身毫不退让的行事方式弄得错综复杂起来,而此时美国政府的所做所为会对北约、联合国和美国的领导地位造成长期的损害。 |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government panel that would review a bid by China's CNOOC Ltd. to buy Unocal Corp. would likely examine U.S. allies' access to Unocal's Asian gas supplies and deep-sea exploration technology with potential military uses, so
路透社华盛顿讯:熟悉海外投资审查程序的消息人士称,美国政府的海外投资委员会将审查中国海洋石油有限公司收购尤尼科公司一案,审查可能涉及美国盟国有权使用尤尼科的亚洲汽油供应和深海钻探技术可能被用于军事用途。 |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is no evidence antibiotics help the vast majority of patients with acute bronchitis, and doctors should stop routinely prescribing them, researchers reported on Wednesday.
华盛顿路透社报道研究人员在本周三称,没有任何证据表明抗生素有助于绝大部分急性支气管炎患者,医生应当停止常规应用抗生素治疗支气管炎。 |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- If music makes you smarter, and exercise helps brain function, can exercising to music really boost brainpower? Some researchers said it can.
华盛顿----如果音乐可使你聪明,锻炼能提升大脑功能,那么音乐加锻炼是否能促进脑力呢?一些研究者认为答案是肯定的。 |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Post-menopausal Chinese women who eat a Western-style diet heavy in meat and sweets face a higher risk of breast cancer than their counterparts who stick to a typical Chinese diet loaded with vegetables and soy, a study found.
华盛顿(路透社)-一项研究发现,吃肉类和糖类比重较高的西式饮食的绝经后的中国女性,患乳腺癌的几率比吃传统的以蔬菜和豆类为主的饮食的女性高。 |
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- World demand for all forms of energy is expected to grow by 54 percent over the next two decades, with oil consumption alone jumping by 40 million barrels a day, the U.S. government says.
华盛顿----美国政府称,二十年后,全球对各种形式能源需求预计将增长54%,每日石油消耗将跃至4千万桶。 |
WASHINGTON (Thomson Financial) - The aim of the Federal Reserve is to promote both stable prices and maximum employment, which can occasionally lead to competing interests and policy conflicts, a top Fed official said today.
美联储高级官员今日表示:美联储的目的就是为了物价的稳定和就业率的最大化,当然这也许回偶尔导致利率和政策的冲突。 |
WASHINGTON - A day after recommending the first inhaled form of insulin to treat diabetes, a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Friday endorsed a new pill that helps control blood sugar levels as well as cholesterol in people with the most com
华盛顿-在建议第一种用以治疗糖尿病的吸入式胰岛素的隔天,美国食品药物管理局谘询委员会周五核准一种新药,此药物可以帮助那些有最常见型式的血糖和胆固醇问题的人控制其血糖和胆固醇。 |
WASHINGTON - A massive exploding faraway star - the brightest supernova astronomers have ever seen - has scientists wondering whether a similar celestial fireworks show may light up the sky much closer to Earth sometime soon.
华盛顿——距离地球很远的一颗大型恒星爆炸——这是天文学家至今未知观察到的最亮的超新星——这让科学家们猜测,在不久的将来是否会有一颗距离地球更近一些的类似天体发生爆炸,照亮整个天空。 |
WASHINGTON - Boys at the top of the pecking order — either by birth or because their older siblings died — score higher on IQ tests than their younger brothers.
华盛顿-在长幼次序中位于首位的男孩-无论是因为出生的早,还是因为在其前面出生的同胞死掉了-在IQ测试中比他的弟弟获得了更高的分数。 |
WASHINGTON - Federal officials should consider reopening public access to about three dozen Web sites withdrawn from the Internet after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a government-financed study says, because the sites pose little or no risk to homeland sec
一个美国政府资助的调查建议美国政府应该向公众重开一些大约三十多个自”911”事件之后关闭了的网站,因为这些网站对本土安全不构成或者只有极小的风险。 |